How to Marry an Alien
Caltian prince," dad said matter-of-factly.
    "So now I'm, like, the Princess Diana of the
alien world?"
    "Pretty much," dad responded. "But you knew
that when you got in to all of this. If you would like to back out
now, I'm sure that we could talk to Nerses and see about
renegotiating the treaty."
    "Oh, whoa, no. I did not say that at all. I
definitely want to marry Ace." I shook my head, even though I knew
he couldn't see it. "It's just a lot to take in."
    Dad let out a deep breath that made a
crackling sound on the other end of the phone. "If there is anyone
that can live with all of this alien attention, it's you. You've
been through more than any other human girl I know, with the alien
world, and you've survived. You will be fine."
    "Thanks, Dad." I smiled. "I needed that."
    When I got back to my room, Lucy was sitting
on her bed with Riley next to her. Lucy's laptop was on the bed in
front of them and they were staring at it, laughing like two
    "What's so funny?" I tilted my head and
dropped my messenger bag on my desk chair before kicking off my
    Riley glanced up at me, and then looked back
to the screen. "There is this group of kids who call themselves the
Alien Alliance of Northern Illinois, and they have all these videos
talking about how aliens invaded their dreams and forced them to do
    No. It couldn't be. It had to be someone
else. There was no way it could be. In a few short steps, I walked
from my bed and over to Lucy's. Right there on the computer screen
was Brody, Gemma, and Rachel from my high school. Crap .
    Gemma's raspy voice carried through the
speakers. "I had a scholarship to University of Illinois. I could
have been the next college rugby star. Then I had this crazy dream
and ended up sleep walking and falling down the stairs. I never
dream or sleep walk."
    I could never forget that. Simone had walked
me through that dream. At the time I didn't realize it was because
Simone was actually an evil Caltian who was promised to Ace and was
trying to destroy me by invading people's dreams around me. It
wasn't until she attacked me and Ace at Cuppa Java, where we
worked, that I realized she was the one sleep creeping everyone. I
thought Circe took care of everything when they locked her up.
Obviously they hadn't.
    Lucy looked at me. "These kids have a whole
video blog series about how some evil alien woman used to show up
in their dreams and make all of these crazy things happen in their
lives. They say that once she left town they stopped and now they
have been putting out all these stories about what happened and
trying to see if anyone else has had the same experience. It's
    Riley peered over at me. "Can you imagine?
These kids have nothing better to do than make up alien stories.
Don't you think if there was alien life out there that they would
have something better to do than invading the dreams of some
small-town kids?"
    "Ha, yeah, hilarious." I forced a nervous
    Lucy turned off the video and closed her
laptop. "But enough about crazy small town kids, let's just focus
on my small town roommate. How was the Dustin Hoffman speech? Did
you seduce the class with your knowledge of all things Tootsie ?"
    "Er…something like that. I'll be lucky if I
pass this assignment. Hopefully the persuasive speech will go
better," I replied, unbuttoning my blouse and throwing it on the
bed so I only wore the camisole underneath.
    "You aren't bothered to have two lesbians
sitting in your bedroom while you undress?" Riley asked, arching
one of her too thin eyebrows.
    I shook my head. "No, why would I be?"
    "It's just funny. When I came out of the
closet even my sister and best friend didn't want to be near me in
the locker room at the gym for fear I might check them out. But you
just undress in front of us like it's no big deal." Riley
    I shrugged. "It really isn't a big deal. If
you two want to check me out in all my chubby glory, then go
    And it was

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