How to Light Her Fire!

How to Light Her Fire! by Madame X Page B

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Authors: Madame X
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remember every little look you give them, every touch, and they can recite to the minute every time they asked you to help with chores and you refused. When you help with the dishes, you’re not just giving her a hand with the chores. To her, you’re showing consideration, of her workload and of her feelings, and you’re showing appreciation that she’s worked hard. She’ll remember that again and again, and she’ll be eager to consider your feelings when you think it’s important.
    The above consideration falls in line with exhaustion. Perhaps she’s interested in making love, but she’s too
    tired. In today’s world, that’s a common occurrence. Women today are expected to raise the children, work outside the home as well as in, cook the meals, do the laundry, clean the house, be chauffer to the children, AND be a perfect mate for their husbands.
    Well, I’m here to tell you, no one person can do it all. If you both feel it’s imperative for her to work, then be prepared to help her at home. Talk to her and work out a fair way to divide the household chores. Many men think
    that since they take care of the yard, their ladies should take care of the house. But stop and ask yourself this: how many hours of each day do you devote to the yard? Unless you’re different than most men, you spend an average of three hours once a week doing yard work. Your significant other, on the other hand, usually spends that much time each day on the house after working outside the home.
    Maybe she does want to make love, but she’s truly too tired. Help her around the house. Do the shopping. Do the dishes. Even helping her clean up the kitchen means a lot. How about running the vacuum? The more you help her, the less tired she’ll be for you.
    Hygiene, and One Big Turn-off
    Unless your woman is so aroused that nothing else matters except getting you in bed, she’ll be aware of your hygiene. Women are more concerned with cleanliness than most men, and most will avoid sex with a sweaty, dirty man. Sure, dirt turns on some women, just as a hairy, dirty woman appeals to some men. But most women like clean men. And those of you who are uncircumcised, that goes tenfold. Please wash yourself before attempting sex with a woman. And change your underwear. A big turn-off is urine-stained underwear.
    I believe in bathing and love the smell of a clean body, but sometimes things happen and I don’t get a chance to do
    the primping I’d like. The same with my mate. There were times with my long-term lover when I wanted sex right then and there, and I didn’t care that my man had gone far too long without a bath. Sometimes we’d look at each other, feel that certain something, and nothing else mattered.
    When we’d go camping, for instance, the baths were few and far between. However, even when I was so aroused that I no longer cared if he smelled, I wanted him to have brushed his teeth.
    The one thing I could never stand is a dirty mouth. Literally. For heaven’s sake, brush your teeth before kissing. If it’s not convenient, at least have brushed your teeth that morning so that pieces of yesterday’s dinner aren’t floating in your mouth. I know that’s gross, but that’s what some women think of before kissing. Men forget women like clean.
    I had to ask my lover many times to please brush his teeth and I hated that, hated having to ask or remind him when he knew that was the only thing that truly turned me off. If he had been paying attention, he would have known. That one little issue became so big that we eventually parted company

I grew up watching ‘Leave It to Beaver’ and Rock Hudson and Doris Day movies, where the men went around in suits and the women cleaned house in heels and pearls. I do not live in that world, nor do I want to.
    The only time I saw my husband in a suit was two occasions: at a friend’s funeral and our daughter’s wedding. Those were the two

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