How to Abduct a Highland Lord
     Shock and disbelief warred in Lucinda’s blue eyes. “You’ve married?”
     “Yes,” Jack said, seeing her stricken look.Good God, she cares for me. Never would he have believed such a thing. “I am sorry.”
     “So am I,” she snapped. She let go of his arm.
     “I should have told you sooner, but—”
     “Who is she?” Lucinda said in a tight voice.
     For some reason, he felt Fiona’s name was not for this place, these people. “It doesn’t matter.”
     “What’s wrong, Jack, my friend? Shy?” Campbell flashed a smile at Lucinda. “I believe I can answer your question.”
     Jack sent the man a furious glare. The bastard had done enough as it was. Damn! He should have told Lucinda about his marriage the second he stepped through the door. But perhaps this was best—now she was furious with him, thus ending the relationship quickly. Though Campbell thought he was causing Jack problems, he might, in fact, be doing him a great favor.
     “The lady’s name is Fiona MacLean,” Campbell said.
     “I have never heard of her,” Lucinda said.
     Campbell shrugged. “She has been a recluse of sorts.”
     Jack eyed Campbell dispassionately. “I didn’t realize my marriage was common knowledge already.”
     “I returned this evening from my holdings in Scotland. Since my valet is the brother of the upstairs maid in the MacLean house…” Campbell smiled. “Needless to say, your name was on everyone’s lips. I hear the lady’s brothers are not happy with the elopement.”
     Jack sent a quick glance at Lucinda, who stood as if turned to stone, her eyes glitter-hard. Still, she managed to say with credible composure, “Jack, you really must tell us all about the wedding. I am sure it was quite spectacular.”
     If she only knew. “It was not fancy.”
     Campbell chuckled a bit. “Oh, do not hide your light, my friend! I hear it was quite romantic.” The man leaned toward Lucinda and said in a low voice, “He literally stole the lovely Fiona from beneath her brothers’ noses—quite a feat, indeed.” Campbell’s smile tightened. “Of course, with a woman as lovely as Fiona, who can blame him? I might fight a few dragons myself for someone like her.”
     “She’s beautiful, is she?” Lucinda’s voice sounded flat.
     Jack frowned at Campbell. “How do you know Fiona?”
     Campbell shrugged. “I once worshipped at that altar, long ago. Her brothers offered to remove my head from my shoulders for daring to speak to her when they were not present, though they punished me enough. It rained for two weeks at my home after I left.”
     “Rained?” Lucinda frowned.
     “Oh, yes. The MacLean family is cursed. They can cause the weather to storm, rain to fall, lightning to strike. Yet they cannot direct it. I drew their ire, hence the rain.”
     “I don’t believe in such things,” Lucinda scoffed.
     Campbell eyed Jack with a smirk. “Now that I think on it, you look a bit damp yourself, my friend.”
     Jaw clenched, Jack met Campbell’s gaze evenly. “I bathed before I came.”
     Campbell pursed his lips. “I cannot help but think there is a fortune to be made, if one could discover how to control the curse.”
     Jack quirked a brow. “Then it wouldn’t be a curse, and the power would cease to exist.”
     “Do you think so? Of course, theyall have to perform their deed.”
     “What deed?” Lucinda asked.
     “In order to break the curse, all members of a generation must perform a deed of great good. Personally, I cannot see that happening. The lady’s brothers are not the softhearted sort.”
     “I find them all quite pleasant,” Jack said with a smile, though he felt like planting his fist in Campbell’s face. “I suppose that’s why I am now a member of the family and not you.”
     Campbell stiffened. “Had I known the

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