How I got Fat - How I got Back
didn't know how to write a
movie script but I started getting up really early in the morning
and writing a story of my own on my laptop. I set aside three or
four hours every morning for that and then went about doing all the
other stuff I had to do each day. After a while I didn't even have
to set the alarm. It was kind of exciting to get up and start
recording all the things I though up about my imaginary
    I kept meeting up with the movie crew too -
that's what I called them, the movie crew. I got lots of ideas for
my story from them because all they did all the time was
    Finally, one day, one of them said to me "Hey,
you've lost weight." It was weird but after that they kind of lost
interest in me. Maybe they only let me into their group in the
first place because I was fat. But it was true; I had lost weight.
I hadn't weighed myself for weeks and weeks but I could remember
what my weight used to be all right; it was all I thought about
back then. I was shocked to find out that I'd lost six pounds. It
wasn't much but it hadn't been hard to do either.
    I kept doing what I'd been doing and getting up
early in the morning to write my totally made up story and going
for walks. I met other people and last week I went on a date; the
first one in... God, I don't want to think how long it's been. It
was fun. We're going out again tonight.
    Now, it took a while but so far I think I've
lost almost fifty pounds. I'm not sure because I don't weight
myself like everyday any more. I didn't lose it by obsessing about
every pound, struggling with diets, swallowing handfuls of pills or
huffing and puffing away at exercise programs; I managed to do it
by changing small things in my life; things that were easy to
change; unnoticeable things that gradually added up. But most of
all, somewhere along the way, my attitude changed. I feel better
about myself now. But the really weird thing is that I don't
actually care how much I weigh any more. But maybe that's part of
it; I stopped caring about whether I fit in and quit worrying about
what people think about me.
    Oh yeah, you know my friend who fell in love
and lost the weight? Well, that ended kind of suddenly and she
started to pack it back on. She got worried that we weren't still
friends but I just laughed. I'm pretty busy these days but we go to
the movies together twice a week now.
    By the way, I finished writing my story and put
it out as an eBook. If you actually want to read it go to where you can sample it
for free. It's called AT LARGE.
    Bye for now

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