Hot Bouncer
glanced in Peter’s direction.
    “Well, glad to have some muscle on board. If we need you on this side, there’s a door over there and behind the stage connects as well.” Avery nodded.
    “If Avery or Ken ask you to come over, don’t second guess. You go,” Carl said.
    “Fine,” Nash replied.
    “Were you in the Army?” Ken studied the ink on Nash’s upper arm.
    “Marines.” Nash folded his arms.
    “Excellent. Discipline, strength, and loyalty are all appreciated here. We’re here to entertain, of course, but we need our dancers safe and customers to remain under control or be escorted out.” Carl sighed.
    “I can handle it.” Nash nodded.
    “I’m sure we’re in very good hands.” Peter smiled.
    Carl slid onto a stool. “Ken, why don’t you take Nash and show him the backstage area and how to get through to women’s side. Peter can handle rehearsal.”
    “Sure. I don’t need to rehearse.” Ken waved at Nash to follow.
    Nash’s big boots clomped along the tile floor. Peter watched to get the backside view. That bouncer had a tight ass and broad shoulders anyone would fall for. Licking his lips, Peter turned back to Carl and Avery.
    “He seems to be all business,” Peter said.
    “That’s a good thing. We need a bouncer with his eye on the work, not the dancers or customers. This one might last.” Avery nodded his approval.
    “You usually put gay men on the women’s side,” Peter said to Carl as he finished up his ankle tape and tried to think about the rehearsal instead.
    “He is. I talked to him about the set up and the needs. We don’t discriminate against straight men, but we need bouncers who can carry drunken girls off stage and out to cabs without groping or losing focus. When he got the mission, he admitted he likes dick. Don’t worry.” Carl chuckled.
    “I’m not worried.” Peter shrugged. “He’s got the body for a stripper, though. He’ll attract men and women.”
    “Ken wasn’t impressed. You know how vain he is.” Avery shook his head.
    Carl sighed. “Why do you think I sent him on as tour guide? Peter might’ve licked the guy.”
    “I would not!” Peter’s skin burned with being caught. “He moves well. We could put him on stage.”
    “They aren’t looking at their faces that much,” Avery agreed. “The guy has the form and confidence.”
    “If we only hired pretty boys, we’d be in trouble. Good body, good moves, and a variety for all tastes. That’s what Aunt Bev says. Nash’s personality doesn’t quite fit though. I don’t know if he could relax and play to a crowd. Don’t push it. Just keep an eye on him and see if he loosens up,” Carl said.
    Avery huffed and turned his back.
    “What?” Peter asked.
    Avery faced the other men again. “I don’t want you two running off a perfectly good bouncer by trying to make him a dancer. Maybe he just wants to do security? He looks as if he just got out of the Marines. That’s not easy.”
    “No one is forcing him to do anything. Not a guy that size.” Peter tried to suppress his smile. “It’s just a thought. If Nash wants to make more money, he has options.”
    “If anyone can find his dancer potential, it’s you, Peter.” Carl slid off the barstool. “I’m going to finalize Nash’s paperwork. If you need me, I’ll be in the office. He starts tonight, so watch your gossip.”
    “Thanks.” Avery nodded.
    “Why would we gossip?” Peter shrugged.
    Avery laughed. “Go rehearse. You’re drooling on my bar.”
    * * * *
    That night, Nash manned his post as bouncer. After almost ten years in the Marines, nothing shocked him. Not wild naked men dancing for money. Not drunk women going crazy and chasing the dancers. Big D’s was a well-run establishment, and they’d given him a chance. He had scared people off at times, but here intimidation would be an asset.
    Ken and Carl had both made rounds during the first show of the night. Nash just nodded to them. They had to check on the new guy.

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