Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Bella Juarez Page B

Book: Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Bella Juarez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Juarez
Tags: Romance
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me watch what I wanted on TV, he sold my car and drove me to work every day. He wouldn’t let me see Irene and David.” Amy paused a moment. He could hear her breath catch, and he watched as she wiped away some tears.
    Gavin looked away and took a deep breath. Yup, he was pissed, and it hadn’t taken very long. He took her hand once more and remained expressionless.
    “I guess it was the berating, insults, and criticism that hurt the most. He finally convinced me that I was useless. I wanted to leave him. I knew he was seeing other women,” Amy said, looking down again.
    Amy looked at Gavin with unshed tears in her eyes. He squeezed her hand gently, encouraging her to continue.
    “Almost two years ago, I tried to kill myself. Irene found me and managed to have me taken to a hospital in Corpus Christi. I was sent to another hospital for a while. I don’t know how she and David kept it covered up. Irene’s pretty smart. She figured out how to keep everyone away from me, including Tim. When the doctors told her what was going on, she and David found me a lawyer in Corpus and I filed for a divorce. Tim dragged it out for eighteen months.”
    Gavin watched helplessly as Amy wiped away more tears. His hard military life had turned him into a predator, inhuman at times and without conscience. Being a cop or being a criminal was an either/or proposition for him. She had opened something in him he hadn’t felt in some time. Around her he felt human. Her pain made him livid. The motherfucker better thank God I’m a cop and not a criminal.
    Amy continued and smiled weakly through her tears. “The night you didn’t come to the house marked a week after my divorce was final. My two friends were giving me a breakup party. We were expecting a different kind of cop .”
    Gavin smiled at the recollection and stroked Amy’s hand with his thumb.
    “Amy, I want you to understand something. You’re safe with me. I may get angry, but I will get over it. I will never hurt you intentionally. You’re your own girl and you should do what you want. You’re smart and you’re a good person. So I know you’ll always do the right thing.”
    Gavin didn’t want to know the answer to the big question. It was probably safer for the little weasel. But he couldn’t help himself.
    “Amy, there’s something else I want to know. Did he ever hit you?”
    Amy hesitated at the question. Gavin instantly knew the answer. He was beside himself. He realized he was gritting his teeth because he was so fucking angry. He wanted to remain as neutral as he could on the outside. Inside, he seethed. He wanted answers and if he lost his temper now, he was no better than the asshole she had dumped. Amy’s silence was Gavin’s answer. He pushed her for verbal confirmation.
    “Umm…” Amy faltered as she wiped more tears away.
    “Amy? Did he ever hit you?” Gavin repeated in an even tone.
    “A couple of times, but I figured out how to stay out of his way.”
    Gavin closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
    “Amy, don’t you ever tolerate that from anyone ever again, do you understand ? No one ,” Gavin emphasized.
    “David told me the same thing. In fact he told me to call him if anything like that ever happened again.”
    “You need to do that. You get away from that person and call David.”
    Their food arrived and Gavin ate like a dying man. He was starving. Amy had been right and it was a hell of a good meal. He noticed she picked at her food, taking small bites and then pushing the plate away after a while. Amy had hardly eaten. Gavin picked up her fork and cut a small piece of fish and held it out to her. Amy smiled and shook her head.
    “I’m full.”
    “Take a small bite, you hardly ate. You’ll need it, honey,” Gavin said with a sly grin.
    The waitress returned and Amy asked for a to-go box. The food was packed, the bill was paid, and they went to her house.
    “Thank you, Gavin,” Amy said.
    Gavin could tell Amy was still unsure

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