Hostage Bride

Hostage Bride by Anne Herries Page A

Book: Hostage Bride by Anne Herries Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Herries
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    ‘Who would attack us here?’
    ‘I heard someone say it was Baron Sigmund of the Dark Towers.’
    Elspeth gasped. ‘He is a terrible man. I have heard that no man or woman is safe from him and his soldiers. If he breaks down our defences we shall all be killed and the women ravished.’
    ‘Lord Mornay will not allow that to happen,’ Rosamunde said confidently. She went to the narrow window and looked down at the scene in the courtyard. It was a hive of activity with men scurrying here and there. ‘We are preparing to meet an attack if it is made, but I think it unlikely. Why should this baron attack us now?’
    ‘He needs no reason. Besides, I think there was unfinished business between the old lord and Baron Sigmund. I have heard it said they quarrelled over a woman but I do not know the details,’ Elspeth said.
    ‘I think I shall go down and discover what is happening,’ Rosamunde said. She turned to glance at Elspeth and her daughters, who were intent on their work. ‘Come with me, Elspeth. I have no experience of a siege, for my father lived at peace with his neighbours, but there must be something we can do to help.’
    ‘Yes, my lady. It happened only once when I was with Lady Mornay. I remember that we helped to pass buckets of boiling oil up to the ramparts on the walls,
    and of course we nursed the wounded—but there may be other things we could do,’ Elspeth replied.
    ‘Your daughters and Maire will stay here for the moment, but we shall send for them if they are needed.’
    Rosamunde went quickly from the room, Elspeth following behind. They ran down to the hall and discovered that servants were everywhere. Pikes, crossbows and spears had been brought up from the armoury and were being taken out to the men on the battlements; a giant of a man was carrying a basket of rocks on his head and another under each arm. They would be hurled down on the invaders, who would be subjected to all manner of missiles, including burning pitch.
    Seeing Raphael talking to two of his knights, Rosamunde went up to him.
    ‘Forgive me for disturbing you,’ she said. ‘But my women and I are ready to serve in any way we can. Give us your commands, my lord.’
    ‘I should have come to you when it was needful. We take necessary precautions but it may be that Baron Sigmund comes in peace,’ Raphael explained. ‘His reputation does him no credit, but if he comes to parley I shall give him fair hearing.’
    ‘I pray that he comes in peace, sir. We shall await your commands, but I will keep you no longer from your business,’ she said.
    He hesitated, then reached out to touch her cheek. ‘Do not fear, Rosamunde. If the worst comes to pass, the castle can stand a long siege. I promise nothing will happen to you while I live.’
    ‘I was not afraid for myself, sir. I merely wished to do something useful,’ she told him.
    ‘Since the kitchen servants are needed for other tasks, your women might help prepare food and drink for the men.’
    ‘Thank you. We shall be glad to be of service to you,’ she said honestly.
    Rosamunde returned to Elspeth. ‘For the moment we can best serve by preparing food for the men. Fetch your daughters and Maire. I shall go to the kitchens and discover what needs to be done.’
    ‘Yes, my lady.’ Elspeth smiled at her. ‘My daughters are both good cooks. The men will eat well this evening.’
    * * *
    Elspeth sent Lilia and Beth off with a bucket of good hot broth, a ladle and cups. Maire had a basket of rolls fresh from the oven; the bread was coarse and brown but it was substantial and it would fill the stomachs of the men on the ramparts. There was another bucket of broth waiting and a second basket filled with chunks of bread.
    ‘We shall take this to the men at the west side ourselves,’ she said to Elspeth. ‘Once the food is distributed we shall eat ourselves and then we shall warm ale and take that to the men later.’
    ‘We shall need to keep them supplied with

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