Honesty - SF8

Honesty - SF8 by Susan X Meagher Page B

Book: Honesty - SF8 by Susan X Meagher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan X Meagher
Tags: Romance, Lesbian
puzzled to hear the heavy bass beat of music oozing from every crack and crevice in the house. What in the hell…?
    She trotted up to the door with the sound growing progressively louder as she approached. Neither occupant of the home was visible when she entered, and if they had been they obviously could not have heard the door swing open due to the ear-splitting noise.
    Jamie searched the first floor, finding Ryan clad in a pair of her skintight compression shorts, red in this instance. A matching red sports bra peeked out from under a large white tank top. Heavy white socks bunched over the tops of her white mid-height basketball shoes, and her red Nike cap sat atop her head--backwards of course. She was sorting a massive pile of laundry, while Mia stood at the ironing board, neatly pressing a pair of Ryan’s chinos.
    Jamie walked back into the living room and turned the volume down at least six notches. When she re-entered the kitchen both women looked up in surprise as Ryan said, "Hi, Honey! I didn’t expect you!"
    She placed her hands on her hips and mused, "So this is what you two do when I’m at school all day, huh?"
    "Yep," Ryan agreed. "We just try to have everything clean for you when you get home. We’re like a twisted version of Leave it to Beaver."
    As Jamie’s gaze settled on Mia, she had to laugh at her damp face and weary expression. "How did you get recruited?" she asked.
    "I’m a member of the household, Jamie," she said with a self-righteous glare. "It’s my duty to my roommates. Maria Los is very busy with the cleaning we have her do. We should be responsible for our own laundry."
    "Ryan, did you brainwash this poor thing?" Jamie asked her grinning partner.
    "Nope. I asked if she wanted to help and she jumped at the chance. I’ll go start some lunch for you, my princess," she added as she kissed Jamie lightly. "I assume you’re hungry, Mia?"
    Jerking her head in the direction of the living room, Mia immediately flopped down on the sofa and kicked her feet up onto the coffee table. "Whew!" she said dramatically. "No wonder nobody wants to do their own laundry. It’s hard work!"
    Jamie sat next to her and gave her an appraising smirk. "What was her lure?"
    Mia looked a little embarrassed as she admitted, "Al Green."
    "Was she dancing?"
    A slight nod accompanied her flushed face.
    "It’s okay, Mia. I don’t mind that you leer at her. And I agree that when she starts dancing and singing while she works around the house, no mortal could resist her charms."
    "Does she do it on purpose? I mean, is it just a trap?"
    "No, amazingly enough she doesn’t even know that she does it. But the fact that it’s unconscious is what makes it so appealing for me. She’s so sexy, but she doesn’t use it. That’s just how she is."
    "I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. You hit the jackpot with that one, Honey!"
    Ryan came running into the house that night after practice, barely stopping for a kiss on her way to the shower. "Pick out something for me to wear, will ya, Babe?" she asked.
    "Happy to," Jamie called, always glad to get her partner to abandon her jeans for a change.
    When Ryan had emerged from the bathroom, she surveyed the outfit that her partner had placed on the bed. Her black leather pants, a black sleeveless T-shirt, and a starched white oversized oxford-cloth shirt waited for her.
    Smirking to herself, she started to get dressed, looking up when Jamie entered her room. Stopping in mid action, Ryan started shaking her head quickly, saying, "No, no, no, that will not work."
    "What?" Jamie asked, looking down at her short, tight black leather dress. "Don’t I look okay?"
    "You look a lot more than okay," Ryan assured her. "You look scrumptious… luscious… fantastic…" Her head continued to shake as she ordered, "Take it off."
    "What?" Jamie was giving her a completely confused expression, very unhappy to have Ryan supervising her style of dress.
    "I’m not worried about the

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