Homer Price

Homer Price by Robert McCloskey Page A

Book: Homer Price by Robert McCloskey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert McCloskey
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real radio broadcast from Centerburg! I’ll have to see that!”
    The day of the broadcast arrived and Homer rode to Centerburg on his bicycle to watch. He was there early and he got a good place right next to the man who worked the controls so he could see everything that happened.

    Mr. Dreggs made a speech about the wonderful thing Mr. N. W. Blott had contributed to the future of American shaving with his winning slogan: “The after shave lotion with the distinctive invigorating smell that keeps you on your toes.” Then he gave N. W. the two thousand and one dozen bottles of lotionin a suitcase just like the one that Homer had at home. After N. W. made a short speech the program was over. Just then four men said, “Put ’em up,” and then one of them said to N. W., “If you please,” and grabbed the suitcase with all of themoney and lotion inside it. Everyone was surprised, Mr. Dreggs was surprised, N. W. Blott was surprised, the announcer was surprised, the radio control man was surprised, and everybody was frightened too. The robbers were gone before anybody knew what happened. They jumped into a car and were out of sight down route 56A before the sheriff shouted, “Wait till I send out an alarm, men, then we’ll chase them. No robio raiders, I mean radio robbers can do that in this town and get away again!” The sheriff sent out an alarm to the State Police and then some of the men took their shotguns and went off down 56A in the sheriff’s car.

    Homer waited around until the sheriff and the men came back and the sheriff said, “They got clean away. There’s not hide or hair of ’em the whole length of 56 or 56A.”
    While they were eating dinner that evening, Homer told the family about what had happened in town. After helping with the dishes he went up to his room, and after he had pulled Aroma up in the basket, he listened to the news report of the robbery on his new radio. “The police are baffled,” the news commentator said, “Mr. N. W. Blott is offering half of the prize money and six bottles of the lotion to anyone who helps him get his prize back.”
    “Aroma, if we could just catch those robbers we would have enough money to build lots of radios and even a television receiver!” said Homer.
    He decided that he had better go to bed instead of trying tothink of a way to catch robbers, because he was going to get up very early the next morning and go fishing.
    He woke up before it was light, slipped on his pants and ate a bowl of cereal. Then he found his fishing pole, gave a low whistle for Aroma (the whistle wasn’t necessary because Aroma was waiting in the basket). Homer put the basket on his bike and they rode off down 56A.
    They turned into the woods where the bridge crossed the brook. And Homer parked the bike and started to walk along the brook with Aroma following right along.
    They fished all morning but didn’t catch anything because the fish just weren’t biting. They tried all of the best places in the brook and when they were ready to go home they decided to go straight through the woods instead of following the brook because the woods path was much shorter.
    The path through the woods was an old wood road that was not used any more. It had not been used for years and almost everybody had forgotten that it was ever built. Before they had gone very far Homer thought he heard voices, then he smelled bacon cooking. He thought it was strange because nobody ever came up on this mountain to camp, so he decided to sneak up and investigate.
    When Homer and Aroma looked around a large rock they saw four men! “THE ROBBERS!” whispered Homer, and indeed they were the robbers. There was the suitcase with the two thousand dollars and the one dozen bottles of after shavinglotion lying open on the ground. The robbers had evidently just gotten up because they were cooking breakfast over an open fire and their faces were covered with soapy lather for they were shaving.
    Homer was so

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