Hollywood Heartthrob

Hollywood Heartthrob by Clarissa Carlyle Page A

Book: Hollywood Heartthrob by Clarissa Carlyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clarissa Carlyle
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that’s made me feel?”
    “I’m sorry-” Josh began but Amy cut him off.
    “I’m an idiot to have ever believed that you’d treat me differently from any of the other skanks you’ve been involved with!”
    “I am humiliated!” the tears started to fall down Amy’s cheeks as she spoke. “I drove all the way out here to see you…to confront you…I don’t know. And all I find is you kissing your ex-girlfriend.”
    Amy almost choked on the last few words as she delivered them.
    “I’m filming a scene!” Josh cried out, relieved to have finally got a chance to speak.
    “Of course you were!” Amy spat angrily. “Then where are all the cameras?”
    “Above us on the roof,” Josh gestured back to the ranch but the roof was now clear. If anyone had been up there, they had since gone, which didn’t add credibility to his story.
    “They were shooting an aerial scene,” he explained. “The whole reason I’m out here in the middle of nowhere is because we are filming.”
    Amy wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe that he was really out there filming, that there was nothing going on between him and Caroline.
    But there was no one on the roof. Not even any filming equipment left behind. And she had read the stories; the Josh Roberts of the media was a complete and utter womanizer. She should have known what to expect from him.
    “I don’t believe you,” she told him, her voice small and sad.
    “Amy, please, I’m telling you the truth!”
    Turning away from him, Amy lowered her head so that she was gazing at the sand beneath her feet. Focusing on each little grain to try and stop herself from crying anymore. Each second she remained there she felt her heart fracture a little bit more and soon it would completely break and she didn’t want Josh to witness that.
    “She’s your ex-girlfriend.”
    “Exactly, my ex!” Josh said fiercely. “There is no way I’d kiss her again unless I was being paid to do it!”
    “Amy, I swear to you that we were filming a scene,” it was Josh’s turn to interrupt. “I would never, ever cheat on you, you must know that.”
    He reached out and grabbed her face, cupping it in his hands and raising it up so that she was now looking directly into his eyes.
    She saw the desperation in his expression; the stress and the worry. But she had seen it all before. John wore the same mask when all his dirty secrets eventually rose to the surface. She refused to be a victim again.
    “I don’t believe you,” she told him firmly.
    “I’m out here filming!” Josh declared again, doing his best to make Amy believe him. “This is what I do. I’m an actor! I’m sorry I didn’t call, I know it makes me look like a complete asshole but I have no signal here and I’ve been stuck out here filming closing scenes for the past few days!”
    It all sounded feasible enough, but Amy wouldn’t let herself believe it.

Tanya watched on from a distance, feeling her sister’s pain and wishing she could do something to help.
    In her hand she jangled the keys which would take them away from all the awkwardness but she hesitated over approaching the feuding couple, not knowing if it was yet the right moment to call time on their heated discussion.
    “Just let me leave,” Amy said, shirking Josh’s hands off her face.
    “No!” Josh was trying to hold everything together but he knew he was on the verge of tears himself. He couldn’t let Amy leave, not like this.
    “I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry but you must trust me when I say that I’m not cheating, I’m just filming a scene.” he begged Amy to believe him.
    But she just looked up at him with cold, indifferent eyes. The love which had once been there was gone. It sent a shiver of panic down his spine to see her look at him that way. He wanted the tender moments back, the time in

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