Holiday in Bath

Holiday in Bath by Laura Matthews Page A

Book: Holiday in Bath by Laura Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Matthews
Tags: Regency Romance
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Laytham forward to open the door and see that no one was in the hall. Before Trelenny knew what was happening, Cranford had cautioned, “Not a word,” and she found herself lifted clean from the floor and transported up the stairs at lightning speed. In the upper hall she was deposited unceremoniously by Cranford’s door.
    “Which is Miss Moreby’s room?” Laytham asked anxiously. When Trelenny had pointed to it with an unsteady finger, he grasped her hand and shook it. “You are an angel to have taken so much trouble for a stranger, miss. I should never have left her in such disquiet. Forgive me for being the author of your unpleasant adventure, and know that I am forever beholden to you. If you will excuse me, I will just see if I may put all her fears to rest.”
    “But the money—”
    “Mr. Ashwicke has already made me a loan.”
    Trelenny watched as he tapped at the door and softly called to Miss Moreby. Her view of the very affecting scene that followed was rudely interrupted by her being drawn precipitately into Cranford’s room. She backed against the closed door and said frantically, “I shall scream if you touch me.”
    “For God’s sake, what’s gotten into you?” he demanded irritably as he tossed his hat on a flimsy table by the bed. “I am not your Cousin Filkins.”
    “He is my father’s cousin. And I won’t let you beat me, Cranford. If... if Mama thinks I should be beaten, then—”
    “Your mother will not be told of this escapade, Trelenny. I will not have her upset by your stupid, improper conduct. Oh, don’t tell me you went out on a mission of mercy. A shilling in the bootboy’s palm would have had him scour the town for me, and you may be sure he would have found me even in a private parlor at the Bull and Royal were he promised another if successful.”
    She turned aside from his glaring eyes and lifted her chin. “I never thought of that.”
    “Then you’d best think, my girl, for I am not disposed to treat you with the kid gloves your parents do. On this trip my word is law and my will is obeyed, or you will find yourself back at Sutton Hall before you have time to blink. Do you understand me?”
    “Y…Yes. Could I have a glass of water?”
    Her eyes dropped before his. “Please.”
    The ewer paused in midair as he turned to her and asked, “Have you any idea what might have happened to you tonight? Don’t you care? Did you give one thought to how your parents would feel if you were raped or killed?”
    Trelenny shuddered hut said nothing.
    With calm deliberation he filled a glass and walked toward her. “Your father put you and your mother under my protection. I dare say that is a meaningless phrase to you, Trelenny, but you will take my word for it that it is very significant to me. Do you think those ill-fitting clothes would have concealed your identity in any well-lit room? Or that Providence would look over when you fell down drunk in the road and your hat slipped off, with those long blonde tresses exposed? If no one accidentally rode over you, you may be sure some drunken lout would have carted such a prize off to his room.”
    “I wouldn’t have had to go out if you had been here to ‘protect’ us,” she retorted stubbornly.
    “I see. You would like me to feel the burden of leaving you here alone to face such a crisis unassisted. Tell me, Trelenny, did Miss Moreby encourage your folly?”
    Silently she took the glass as she shook her head, which was beginning to ache.
    “I did not intend to leave the inn, but I, too, saw an emergency arise. Foolishly believing that you and your mother were reasonably safe for the night, I scarcely hesitated when I saw Mr. Laytham fling out of here in despair.
    “By the time I had gained a bit of his confidence, we were at the Bull and Royal and I desired a private parlor there to discuss his…problems. I should like to know how you thought you would find him by yourself in a strange town at

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