Holiday Hotel Hookup

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Book: Holiday Hotel Hookup by Jeff Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeff Adams
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on-site, you show up.”
    “We’ll do our best to make your stay as comfortable as possible. You’re on the thirtieth floor, room 3023. The restaurant is open until ten, and room service until midnight,” Jose continued, handing me my keycard. “If there’s anything you need as you’re getting settled, just ring the desk and let us know.”
    I needed dinner and then some sleep. Getting up early for the flight had me wiped.
    “Thank you,” I said. “I think I’m going to get dinner since I may crash once I’m in my room. Any recommendations?”
    Jose considered, and I studied him. “If you’re going straight to sleep, perhaps something light from our restaurant. The Caesar salad is very good.”
    “That sounds perfect.”
    “The restaurant is just beyond the elevators, around this way.” He pointed the direction to take. “Shall I have your bags taken up?”
    Jose was on his game. I would’ve just taken them with me. “That would be great,” I said. “Thank you.”
    “Our pleasure.” He waved at one of the bellmen, who relieved me of my bags. He was gone before I could get money to tip him.
    “He’s fast,” I said to Jose.
    “Yes,” Jose smiled. “He’s one of our best. You should go get your dinner before they start closing up.”
    “Thank you again. Have a good night.”
    “You as well, Mr. Bell.”
    At the restaurant I was seated immediately. It was a typical hotel restaurant, with booths and tables and a neutral decor that couldn’t offend anyone’s sensibilities. I ordered the Caesar with chicken, and it was delivered right away, along with a glass of red wine. Jose’s recommendation was perfect. Whatever spices they used on the chicken were tasty, and the tangy dressing was delicious.
    I flipped through the apps on my phone to get to my Fitbit app to check my data for the day, which was probably going to suck since I was out of my routine. I noticed there were pings on Manhunt. I hadn’t looked at the app in months, but in a new city, it couldn’t hurt to see who was around. The depressing Fitbit data could wait.
    I had a dozen notifications, and I deleted the San Francisco-based ones. I looked at the three Dallas-area ones to see what the locals had to offer. RockyD didn’t do much for me, with a simple picture unlock. Hunter offered a Hiya and a picture of his dick.
    JJDallas, however, had a great chest with a dusting of trimmed hair that looked great on his light-brown skin, and he had dark hairs running down his arms too. His picture was just his torso, no head, and nothing below the waist. I respected that. My public picture was roughly the same since I liked some discretion.
    His message was good too. Hey, techieMB. Love the picture, especially those nipples. Not sure what you’re up to tonight, but I get off work at eleven if you want to get a drink or do something else? Happy to trade unlocks too.
    A guy who used full sentences was nice. Not even an abbreviation for “picture.” I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to last till eleven, though.
    Between bites I typed back: JJ, looking good! Happy to trade pictures. Not sure I can meet up tonight because it’s been a long day. In town for a few days, though, so maybe later?
    I clicked send, figuring I might hear nothing. The message had been there for more than fifteen minutes before I saw it. JJ might have moved on.
    I finished dinner, signed off the bill, and headed upstairs. JJ hadn’t responded, which was probably for the best.
    The room was beautiful. Well appointed, certainly a step up from the regular room I’d booked. Comfy couch, pivoting TV to watch from anywhere, a nice desk, and a comfy-looking king-size bed. The bathroom was a knockout, with a large walk-in shower complete with body jets. If the water pressure was good, I could easily spend hours in there.
    As I unpacked I saw my phone light up with a Manhunt message. Once I had everything put away, I checked and found a response from

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