His To Indulge (Billionaire Erotic Romance)
had to be my fate. “Ms. Martin, if you’re going to try
and impress me and deflect the fact you came late, at least get the
correct flavor - Italian dark roast. Now get back to your
    “ But Mr.
    “ Get out. Now .”
    I franticly turned away and scampered out of
his office.
    “ And Ms. Martin,” I froze
dead in my tracks. “Don’t even fathom being late tomorrow. I run
a tight ship.
Tardiness is grounds for dismissal.”
    “ Okay Mr. Conrad. I’m
    “ Forgive me…did I say you
could speak? Leave.” He flicked two fingers towards the door at
    As I walked back to my
desk, I could feel his gaze burning a hole into my blouse. The
fingernail on my index finger had to be jagged down to the flesh
from how much I picked it. How could he speak to me like that? Just
how tight would he
run things? Mr. Conrad scared me shitless, but on the other side of
the coin his stern demeanor was insanely attractive. How could
someone be so terrifying, yet so gorgeous? He would love to hate-fuck him – right on
top of his desk.
    I hadn’t been at the
facility one hour and I already thought of quitting. I guess the
rumors about him were true. What a fucking jerk. No one had spoken
to me like that since…well...actually no one had ever spoken to me
like that before. Did I need the money that bad? One look at the balance in
my bank account and that question would be answered. Just tough it out Danica. I’ve been with the Hawks since I was eighteen. I couldn’t
throw it all away with a drop of a hat. Besides, who’s going to
hire a nearly thirty, retired cheerleader whose only skills are
slinging pom-poms and prancing around in low cut booty
    The rest of the morning was dead – as it
always was in the offseason. I could see Mr. Conrad eyeballing me
through his office every twenty minutes or so. It sent a shiver to
my bones. If I had seen him in a bar, with those brown eyes, I
would definitely be up to take him home that night. A girl can
dream, right? Eww. Wait. First, he’s my boss and second, I would
never date anyone who spoke to me like that. But damn, was he
handsome. Slit your writs handsome.
    I sat back in my chair. 11:52 AM. I had one
hour and eight minutes before Mr. Conrad’s meeting with the Hawks
front office staff. I shuddered at the thought. I blew out a hot,
breath of frustration upwards. My bangs flew off my forehand.
    By the time the clock struck twelve
forty-five, my teeth were chattering.
    Disaster wouldn’t be a fitting description
for the meeting with the team executives and head coaches – state
of emergency would be more like it. In the boardroom sat nine men,
but it felt like an entire football stadium of eyes were on me -
and they were all Mr. Conrad’s. His brown eyes perforated through
me like lasers, scorching my soul to the marrow. Despite, Mr.
Conrad’s presence, I couldn’t understand my nervousness; I had
known all of the guys in here for years. They always treated me
like a little sister.
    My knees were wobbling so much during the
meeting I spilled a tray water on Maxwell Emerson, the Hawks team
president. Luckily, he didn’t mind. In fact, he made a joke
relating my blunder to his ex wife. It settled the room and made me
feel a bit better. Mr. Conrad, on the other hand, didn’t see
anything humorous about my folly. The look he gave me could scare
away a small pack of wild hogs. For the remainder of the meeting, I
sat on the edge of a chair, nestled in the corner – thinking of
which companies I should submit job applications to in the
    Despite Mr. Conrad’s draconian reputation
preceding him, He quelled a lot of the staff’s anxiety about his
acquisition of the team from Arthur Burkewood. He was magnetizing
and beguiling; making them smile and laugh one moment and had them
buzzing about new ideas for the team the next. Everyone in the
organization walked on pins and needles since he bought the team.
Most of us thought cleaning

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