His Reign (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 1)

His Reign (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 1) by Sascha Illyvich Page B

Book: His Reign (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 1) by Sascha Illyvich Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sascha Illyvich
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became too obvious.
    The silver Honda that had been tailing them sped up and pulled in beside them on the freeway when Józsi neared downtown.
    Józsi looked into the widows, couldn't see past the tint and darkness outside. He turned onto an access road, pulled up to a stoplight and revved the engine.
    The Honda revved its engine right back, the machine purring loudly. The window rolled down and a gun protruded.
    Adrenaline fueled him now, racing through his body so fast he didn’t bother waiting for the light to turn green. Gunning his engine, he slammed on the gas pedal and the car sped into gear. Flying down the road, he managed to outmaneuver his assailants, or so he thought until he'd pulled back onto the freeway, changed lanes and weaved in between cars.
    Gunshots rang out from three cars back.
    One car’s windshield was hit, glass cracking and forming a spider web pattern for the driver. The car crashed into the side barrier and caught fire.
    Ilona jolted awake, her grip on his hand tightening.
    Józsi shoved his foot on the gas, propelling the car faster down the freeway.
    Lukina screamed and scrambled to the floor of the car. Her head peeked over the armrest. “What’s going on?”
    His tone remained neutral. “We’re being followed.” He turned to Ilona. “Keep your head down.”
    Ilona ducked, her hands still on his though she shook visibly.
    He looked over his shoulder and back at the road in front of them. Cars maneuvered out of the way and in the distance. Józsi swore he heard police sirens. “Better yet, crawl in the back with Lukina.”
    Ilona nodded. Trembling, she climbed in the back with Lukina. The windshield cracked loudly above the girls.
    “Fuck!” His tone seemed flat, but his eyes remained focused on the road, though he occasionally glanced in the rearview mirror to see the assailant’s position.
    Another shot rang out, this time shattering glass on the back windshield.
    Ilona screamed.
    Each second spent on the freeway made it much easier for their assailants to catch up and target them with a well-placed shot. He hoped their gunman was a poorly trained shooter.
    Of course it had to snow for the first time in Houston in over ten years. Józsi maneuvered the car into the next lane, picking up more speed until the car had topped out at a hundred and fifteen miles an hour. The road was dangerous at this speed and his tires weren’t exactly made for traveling on slick snow covered roads, but he managed to keep the car from spinning out of control.
    “Who are they?” Lukina raised her head just enough to peer over the back seat.
    Shots fired, puncturing the car’s bumper.
    He swore aloud. Obviously his hopes that they were crappy marksmen were somewhat off.
    Another two shots punched into the truck.
    “Get down Lukina!” He swerved into the next lane, nearly missing the corner of a semi-truck.
    Lukina ducked with Ilona.
    "Both of you get down on the floor, as low as you can." Honking cars screamed at him when he sped past a few more vehicles and cut them off, using them for human shields. Józsi wasn't truly the type to endanger others, but his lovers deserved peace and safety. He brought them back, now they were his responsibility.
    What he wouldn’t give for an automatic rifle right now. An SKS or something like that…
    Pulling off I-45, he turned onto an access road and sped down it, blasting through the green light.
    The silver Honda caught up, and followed closely. The hum of the engine was loud in Józsi’s ears. Blood pounded louder in his head, sweat broke out over his brow. If he could slow them down or get them on foot, he’d have the upper hand. At the last minute he turned right off the exit for Telephone Road, hoping to lose them in the barrios if they managed to catch the service road in time.
    Naturally, they had.
    He swore, kept searching the area for an escape route.
    Running a hand through his hair, he sighed heavily. Suddenly he heard the sound of an automatic

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