His Perfect Passion

His Perfect Passion by Raine Miller Page B

Book: His Perfect Passion by Raine Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raine Miller
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made her promise she would not walk alone, and she was fully aware of her disobedience as she broke the oath she’d made.
    This day was very much like the day it had happened. The weather typical of late summer, seemingly mild but easily changeable. Marianne had walked out on the rocky headland, purposefully leaving the dogs at home. She needed to be alone today.
    This was a favorite spot of hers. Standing on the rocks, she could almost imagine she was on a tiny island, the foamy peaks crashing below. From this vantage point she could scan the ocean horizon and call to him. He was out there somewhere. This was the place she came when she wanted to remember him. His smile. The rakish grin. The hair and eyes that matched hers.
    Marianne was so lost in her musings she didn’t take notice of the size of the approaching swell. It exploded into the ledge, blasting a vertical swath of water straight up and onto her. The sheer size of the oversize wave, combined with the rough force, knocked her down, hard. Her feet were blown out from underneath, and she toppled perilously close to the edge.
    Her dress, now soaked, weighed heavy and pulled her over. Her feet caught on a ridge of rock, slippery with moss, or she would have gone down. She was inches from going into the churning water below! If she went in, the weight of her garments would sink her. She would drown. Marianne knew the grave danger she was in but eerily resigned herself if it was to be her fate. Taken by the sea…just like him…
    And then she thought of Darius and what she needed to say to him. As she dangled there in the cold spray she felt a change. The emotion, the will, the driving need to save herself at all costs, came on her in a rush. She had reasons to live!
    Frantic hands gripped for purchase on the sharp stones above her, grasping determinedly until finally gaining a handhold. The jagged rock cut into her skin, but she held on fiercely. She had to. Adrenaline fueled her determination, and slowly, inch by inch, she pulled herself up onto the flat of the headland.
    Lying exhausted from the effort, she counted her blessings and regretted her carelessness. Thank you, dear God! Thank you…thank you…thank you!
    Slowly Marianne rose and shakily took stock of her person. No permanent damage, it seemed. She was very lucky. Hoping she might be able to restore her appearance before Darius should find out what happened, Marianne made her way back to the house as quickly as she could.
    She wondered how in the world she’d ever be able to explain the state of her hands, and the bruises that surely bloomed this very moment on her skin.

Chapter Fourteen

    “Oh, madam! You are hurt and bleeding. We must get you upstairs immediately. Mr. Rourke will want the doctor called. Martha!” Mrs. West was clearly horrified at the sight of her mistress.
    “No! I am fine, Mrs. West! Please do not make a fuss. I have merely slipped and scratched my hands. It is mostly water on me. I need a bath and to change my clothes, that is all.”
    “Your hands need attending to, madam,” Mrs. West clucked nervously.
    “Could you see to them for me? I really do not see the need to call out the doctor. I don’t wish to upset my husband.” Marianne pleaded with the housekeeper. “Please, Mrs. West?”
    Mrs. West eyed her guardedly. “My dear, if you are injured or at risk to danger, he will be upset regardless.”
    The housekeeper looked her over some more before softening her harsh frown. “There, there, Mrs. Rourke, let’s have Martha get a bath started for you, and I’ll tend to those scratches, hmmm?”
    The cuts stung painfully under Mrs. West’s ministrations, but that was nothing compared to the pain she would feel once Darius knew what she had done.
    “Must you tell him, Mrs. West? He’ll be so displeased. I hate to burden him with this.”
    “I think, my dear, you must ask yourself why he would be so displeased,” Mrs. West said gently. “He adores you, and you should

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