His Captive, The Unabridged Collection: Billionaire Dark Romance

His Captive, The Unabridged Collection: Billionaire Dark Romance by Meg Watson Page B

Book: His Captive, The Unabridged Collection: Billionaire Dark Romance by Meg Watson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meg Watson
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frustration, I pushed myself up from the bed and headed back to the window, leaning back against the bars, the cool night air blowing over me.
    As my eyes settled on the spot where Rafe stood, I remembered the serene smile he wore before I provoked him. Something about that smile seemed so familiar, but I hadn't seen it on him before then—not to my recollection.
    But then, maybe I had. Was it the bath? The image of water seemed real enough, but I couldn't pin it down. It was like a wisp of smoke in my peripheral vision, gone by the time I tried to focus in on it and see the whole of it.
    I struggled to remember something, anything about what had transpired since I was drugged. The first thing to return was the sound of a half-conscious moan. I could hear it, almost feel it in my throat.
    Did he...?
    I walked a step toward the door and stopped. The breeze from the window pushed the short nightgown around my thighs and… There was something else. I felt the air on my skin. My hand slipped between my legs, and my eyes widened as my fingers slid over the smooth, naked skin there. I'd been there for a week, maybe more, and I was perfectly smooth. Shaved.
    I gasped audibly, taking a quick step back toward the window in shock. Images began flashing through my mind... scenes not even half-recalled, vague impressions and puzzle-piece jumbles. I remembered the feeling of a hand at my inner thigh, the coolness of the cream he carefully and lovingly rubbed into me. I couldn't see his face, but I saw those immaculate hands sliding over me.
    No, don’t think about it… No...
    Disgust bubbled through me, but I couldn’t let the images go. Now that I had one firm and clear I wanted more. I wanted to know.
    I remembered being in his arms, lying back and letting my body float in the water. I remembered his hands behind my knees, opening my legs and setting my ankles on the cold tile. The way I groaned softly as I felt my legs stretch. It was like watching the scene from afar, from someone else. Only it was me. I was there.
    And it felt good.
    The thought of someone shaving me, inspecting me, spreading me apart that way set me on edge, but it turned me on far more than I expected it to. I found my hand drifting a bit lower, middle finger sliding slowly over my folds.
    A soft shudder rippled through me, a combination of the feeling of the cool night air drifting through the thin nightgown I wore and the sensation of my own fingers where his had been. My nipples stiffened almost painfully at the combination.
    I groped blindly through my mind for more memories. I wasn't so concerned with finding out what happened so much as looking for more excitement, then. Shameful as it was to me, I wanted to know more. My belly quaked at the notion, belying a building tension.
    Oh god, could he have made me…
    The drugs had well and truly worn off, and every touch sent a jolt of sensation through me unlike any I'd ever felt. I was coming back to life. Buzzing. Sizzling.
    My whole body began aching and screaming for release. I hadn't felt pressure like that for a long time, and I began stroking my clit more firmly. My lips parted as a soft moan escaped, though I was trying to keep quiet. I didn't want Rafe to know what he'd done to me. I had a hard enough time admitting to myself that all of this was turning me on, I certainly didn't want to admit it to him.
    I rubbed a little more firmly, bucking my hips slowly against my hand. My lips parted again, but the moan I heard wasn't my own. It was further away, and decidedly louder. I stood tall and listened.
    When I turned to face the window, I saw that a light had come on across the garden. The sheer curtains fluttered in the breeze, and I tiptoed up to the bars, squinting. A room in the other part of the house was alight, and I could barely make out the shadows of motion inside. A figure dashed back and forth, determined, strong, arms out.
    As I squinted to try to see, the sounds became

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