His Beautiful Wench

His Beautiful Wench by Nathalie Dae Page B

Book: His Beautiful Wench by Nathalie Dae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nathalie Dae
Tags: Erótica
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bobbed. He wanted it slow, so she took him inside deeply, laving his length with a flat tongue every time she drew up.
    “Just suck the tip,” he said.
    She obeyed, pulling her mouth up and curling her lips around his corona. Holding his cock upright, she massaged him with her mouth, loving the way her lips and tongue glided over the ridge. Increasing suction, she teased him, dipping her head faster.
    “Stop!” he said, voice strained, hands gripping the side of the tub.
    Amelia pulled her finger from him and stilled her mouth. She looked up at him, saw the flush of his cheeks and the way his chest rose and fell. With one last lick up his shaft, she shuffled along the tub and kissed his lips then licked them with a pointed tongue. He groaned, lifting his hands to bury them in her hair. Cupping her cheeks, he eased her face away and looked into her eyes.
    “I love you,” he said, brushing her nose with his.
    She smiled, trailing the backs of her fingers down his cheek. “And I love you.” Standing, she opened the linen square and held it up. Emmett took a moment to even out his breathing and she gazed down at him. His cock jutted from the water, bobbing as he closed his legs a little. He rose, water sluicing off him, then stepped out of the tub. She wrapped the fabric around him, drying his chest and stomach with two corners, taking her time so his anticipation of what was to come grew stronger. His cock bumped her hand and she looked into his eyes, taking the cloth from around him and bringing it to his chest.
    “Kneel?” he asked, head tilted. “Please?”
    She smiled and nodded, dropping the cloth and kneeling again to take the still-damp rigidity between her lips. The tip grazed the roof of her mouth as she pulled up, the skin silky smooth. His groan prompted her to plunge down again, setting a slow rhythm. Hands in her hair, Emmett raised his hips.
    Needing to take his mind from recent events, Amelia sucked harder, his cock gliding over her tongue. His vein pulsed and with one hand she fondled his sac, swirling his inner thigh with the fingertips of the other. The grip on her hair tightened and she worked faster, readying herself for his semen. It shot into her mouth in three rapid bursts and she swallowed as he murmured indecipherably. Slowing her pace, she sucked long and deep, finishing with a kiss to his tip. She took her mouth from him and she looked up. He gazed down at her, eyes half-lidded, hands massaging her scalp.
    “Thank you,” he whispered. “Thank you.”
    Amelia scooped up the linen and stood, holding it out so he could wrap his lower half. She touched his face, their gazes meeting, pressed her lips to his, then said, “Do you need to talk?”
    He nodded.
    “Sit down then. You can talk while I make some tea.” She stared at the tub. “That can wait until morning. I’ll get up early and empty it, save Madam the job.”
    Emmet didn’t sit. He slipped on his breeches, unlocked the back door and filled a bucket with bath water, then hauled it outside, repeating the task with an unreadable expression. Amelia set the filled teapot on the work surface to steep and, as Emmett didn’t offer conversation, she washed his shirt. The water turned pink, but the blood came out. Satisfied, she wrung the shirt and stepped outside to hang it on the line beside the rug. Emmett pulled the tub toward the back door and she waited while he tipped it over to empty it. Water pooled around her shoes and she stared at it for a moment, watching the liquid seep between the stone cracks. Thoughts of their journey to the cliff edge threatened to intrude and she glanced at Emmett while he hung the tub on the inside wall hook beside the back door. He avoided her gaze and a kernel of worry expanded inside her. Would what he had done ruin their relationship? Oh God, she hoped not. She couldn’t bear to let him go as Madam had done with Harry.
    He turned to her, eyes wide, mouth slack and she rushed

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