Crap!" She fumbled the phone and it fell to the floor. "Wait! Hold on!" Snatching it up again, she looked quick to make sure she hadn't dropped the call and saw it was still connected. "Hello?"
His low chuckle came over the line and it aroused her instantly. "Hi Angel. Everything okay?"
Giggling, she plopped down on the couch. "It is now. Sorry about that, I dropped the phone."
"I figured as much. Did you sleep well?"
Holy cow. How did he make a simple question sound so loaded with sex? "I did. You tuckered me out and I slept later than I usually do."
"Glad I could be of service." He paused, then his voice became deeper, silkier. "What are you wearing right now?"
A delicious shiver went through her body. "What you left out for me and my robe."
"Take your robe off."
Looking around her living room, she realized the vertical blinds on her sliding glass door were drawn open as usual. Not that anyone was in her backyard to see her, but Brody had gotten into the habit of popping over during the day to say hi. "Um, just a second. Let me go into my bedroom."
"No," he growled into the phone. "That's not what I told you to do, Angel. Where are you? And don't say your bedroom."
Really? Was he serious?
"Answer the question, Angel. You don't want me to ask it again because your bottom will pay for it later."
Holy shit! "Um, I'm in my living room but the blinds are open on my doors and windows. What if Brody comes over to say hi?" He was the only person who knocked on her back door.
Several miles away, Ian knew that wasn't going to happen since his employee was right down the hall in the war-room, remotely finishing some work from Orlando. But he wasn't about to fill Angie in on the fact. He had a feeling she would like the idea of possibly getting caught while being wicked and wild. "That's not my concern. If he does, he's going to get an eyeful and probably jack-off. Now, do as you're told and take off your robe. Let it slide down your incredible body until it pools at your feet. Let me know when know when you’re standing there in your underwear."
His voice was pure velvet, and she let it wrap around her as the silky material slid off her shoulders and dropped to the ground. She was certain he could hear her increased breathing. Her heart was pounding as well, in anticipation of his next command. "Okay, it's off. I’m in my panties and bra."
"Good girl. Now go into your kitchen and open your freezer." Frowning in confusion, Angie did as she as she was told and opened the door. Oh, no! He had to be kidding her! Sitting front and center so she couldn't miss them were her florescent green vibrator and bottle of K-Y.
As soon as he heard her gasp, Ian snickered. "Your toy and lube should be nicely chilled by now. Put the phone on speaker and set it down." When she did, he gave her further instructions. "Take out your jolly green giant and put the batteries back in, they're sitting on the counter."
She groaned at his pun. "Really, Ian? The 'jolly green giant' is a name for my peas and carrots, not my vibrator." Her hand shook a little as she grabbed the adult toy and her anxiety went up a few notches as well as her excitement when she felt the freezing plastic. She knew exactly what he was going to make her do with it.
"I'll call it whatever I want, sweetheart, and since we're playing, you should be calling me 'Sir.' Are the batteries in it yet?"
"Yes, Sir."
Back in his office, Ian got up and locked his office door before grabbing a hand towel from room's attached half-bath. He sat again at his desk and released his throbbing erection. The fist-fuck he'd given himself this morning, followed by a cold shower, had done nothing to relieve the aching in his groin. He opened the bottom drawer of his desk and toward the back found a tube of lubricant he hadn't used in a long while. He wished he could have seen her face when she first saw her vibrator in the icebox. Before he’d called her, he told Brody to let her hidden
Ian McDonald
Carole Mortimer
Adelina St. Clair
Lisa Marie
Sara Humphreys
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Frank Ahrens
Shelby Hearon
Caprice Crane
Julia Álvarez