Highlander of Mine

Highlander of Mine by Red L. Jameson Page A

Book: Highlander of Mine by Red L. Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Red L. Jameson
Tags: Romance, Historical, Time travel
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“He sleeps in the barn. Always has. ‘Sides, I don’t own any animals any longer to make it smell horrid.”
    Duncan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and Rory sensed tension rising from the man. He’d heard the rumors that Duncan preferred to sleep like a dog rather than a man in a bed, and it was odd to watch the confirmation. Rory wondered why the brute would sleep where cows usually would, instead of under the roof Lady Fleur chose. But no matter the reason. His jealousy subsided a bit, realizing Duncan would not be near the gorgeous woman through the night.
    “Good night,” Lady Fleur whispered sweetly.
    Duncan nodded his head, glanced at his mother once more, then strode off into the darkness beside the large stone house.
    Lady Fleur removed her warm hand from Rory’s arm, and instantly he wished her back.
    “Well, I suppose this is good night.”
    “Aye.” He could only stammer. Lord, how he wished it wouldn’t end so early.
    “You’ll visit me again?”
    He gave the lady a wide smile, feeling his cheeks grow tight in his enthusiasm. “Aye. I’d like to very much.” Only then did his manners kick in, and he swooped down to kiss her hand. “Good night, my lady.”
    She giggled softly, and his body instantly responded by growing tight with the tension that desire can pull. But when he said good night to Mrs. Cameron that helped moderate his passions. He didn’t want to seem too eager for the lady, not as though he was some hound sniffing after her for only one thing.
    As he left, after he’d promised to visit the women on the morrow, he’d made sure to slink around the house and watched Duncan prepare for bed in the barn. If that hulk of a man took one step in the house, he’d...Actually, Rory didn’t know what he’d do. Duncan had proven he was not only a knowledgeable warrior, but faster and more powerful than Rory. That was why, in the last two weeks, he had woken earlier than any other to train, so he could beat the famed Duncan. Not in a literal sense of beating. Nay, he’d never thought of attacking him.
    Until now.
    If Duncan touched the lady, Rory would make sure the man would rue the day.

    Chapter 10
    D uncan hadn’t slept so restlessly since his first battle. He’d tossed and turned in his straw bed. Oddly, his anxiety was similar to pre-combat jitters. He’d worried the whole night through that he wouldn’t do enough, would be too scared, wouldn’t do the right thing. When dawn arrived he finally admitted to himself whom he was nervous about. Fleur had left her mark on him as sure as if he’d fought against her. Actually, it had been his heart that had done all the fighting. Nonetheless, he knew she had been the winner.
    He’d come a cropper.
    Why, though, would he want a woman who wanted another man? A much younger, titled, probably richer man? It had nearly killed him seeing Fleur with Rory last night. All his jealous tendencies had flared, making him want to punch Rory in the too perfect nose. He hated the way Rory had looked at Fleur, his desire obvious.
    As much as Duncan was dubious about working for the laird’s younger brother, he’d come to find that Rory was intelligent, sometimes funny, and usually considerate, especially regarding the green troops. That was a real asset to have in a leader, a man who treated his subordinates well. Rory would make an excellent captain one day soon.
    It was clear he’d taken a fancy to Fleur too. Well, what man in his right mind wouldn’t? She was only the most beautiful woman any man had ever run across. Although, he might be biased, since beauty was supposedly subjective. Still, she was lovely with her long black hair, dark intriguing eyes, and those full lips that made him want to press his own against hers. Made him think of being close to her, of listening to her talk about anything she pleased.
    Hell, he didn’t even know the woman, and he surely didn’t understand why he’d taken to her so quickly. Mayhap he

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