Highland Shadows (Beautiful Darkness Series Book 1)

Highland Shadows (Beautiful Darkness Series Book 1) by Lily Baldwin Page A

Book: Highland Shadows (Beautiful Darkness Series Book 1) by Lily Baldwin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Baldwin
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fueled by Alex’s acceptance, Cora’s bare toe touched the fine layer of snow. Her eyes scanned the moors and distant forest. She took a deep breath, and then she started running. Icy wind caressed her skin. Exhilaration coursed through her as her body flexed and stretched. She closed her eyes, summoning her courage and leapt forward. The animal within broke free, swallowing her human form.
    Four gleaming white paws hit the snow. The scent of Alex lingered in her nose, fueling her courage. She started out at a trot, her wide, front paws reaching out and propelling her forward while her back toes dug into the snow. Her stride lengthened. She wanted to gallop, but Alex’s scent had grown faint. She slowed to a stop and turned. Darkness was no barrier. She could see him standing, straining still to see her. She smelled his excitement and worry. Her will needed no words. Emotions alone were her guide, and at that moment, her soul was torn. The keep represented safety, but the open moors promised relief.
    He cupped his hands around his mouth. “Run” he shouted.
    She threw her head back and howled, baring her soul to the night. She launched off her back toes and cast off all control. Currents of cold air streamed off her back and filled her massive lungs. The snow and frozen earth yielded to her thunderous stride. Boundless power coursed through her veins as she soared over the moors.
    Her sleek body had no limits. She would not tire, or weaken. Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply and reveled in the glory of the present. She had broken free from her cage, and for the first time in so many years, she let her feelings go.
    Cresting hill after rolling hill, she imagined that she streaked past apparitions of her loved ones. Her sister smiled and waved, spurring her on to run faster. Her mother beamed at her with pride. They were freed now from pain and terror and lived on inside her heart.
    She skidded to a stop and shook her human form free. “They live on in me,” she said out loud.
    Standing tall, she stretched her hands toward the endless stars dotting the sky. A gust of wind lifted her hair and caressed her bare skin. Now, she realized all that her fear had hidden. She was still her mother’s daughter. Alex was, indeed, right. Her body had changed but not her heart. She smiled up to the heavens and spun around and around with delight. The release of her inhuman strength had expelled her pain and fear. All that remained was life—hers—and in that moment, standing beneath a blanket of stars, she did not doubt that her life still had value.
    She froze dropping her arms to her sides. Inhaling deeply, she scanned her surroundings. An aroma she could only describe as old death crept inside her nose and sent a shiver of fear up her spine. Alex had warned her not to go too far. Once more, she shook her wolf free and launched off her back toes toward Sonas Castle and Alex’s awaiting arms.
    ~ * ~
    Serge straightened the soft, fur-trimmed collar of his cloak as he tilted back his head to gaze up at the myriad stars flickering in the night sky.
    “How much longer must we wait?” Emmanuel said.
    Mouth downturned, his gaze darted to his newest . “Unless you wish to remark on the beauty of night, please refrain from speaking.” Releasing a heavy sigh, Serge expelled his companion’s impatience. Emmanuel had yet to learn the true beauty of immortality. Time ruled humans. It was the real villain, ending far more lives than vampires ever could.
    He reached out a finger and connected stars to make constellations. Next, he traced the sloping hills. Blanketed by moonlight, the snow assumed an ethereal blue glow that made him feel as if—
    “Remind me again why we’ve come all this way, when we could’ve had our pick of pets in Edinburgh,” Emmanuel said.
    Serge’s hand flashed out, crushing Emmanuel’s face. He cried out and collapsed to the ground, his hands cradling his broken jaw.
    “That should shut you up.”

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