Highland Mist

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Book: Highland Mist by Donna Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Grant
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oak true, her breath coming in great gulps, but a smile was on her lips.
    “Well?” asked Frang, the Druid high priest who had reared her.
    “She’ll come. The MacNeil almost beat all of her spirit out of her, but she still has some. Her curiosity will get the better of her.”
    “If she defies Conall he’s likely to lock her in a tower,” he warned, and leaned on his tall staff.
    Moira looked at the Druid elder and smiled. “He’ll try, but her powers are greater than we realized. Such strength courses through her, yet she has no idea.”
    “Then it’s good Conall took her from the MacNeil before more damage could be done.”
    Moira seethed at what the MacNeil had used Glenna for. Many innocents had perished, but she didn’t intend for that to happen again. Once Glenna learned to control her powers, the MacNeil wouldn’t be able to use her again.
    “Conall doesn’t know he’s fulfilling his destiny. He’s turned his back on his Druid blood.”
    “He’s trying,” Frang said, and ran a hand down his long white beard. “But he cannot deny what’s been given to him. With Glenna’s help he may yet come around.”
    Moira rose and stood next to the man who had reared her after her parents’ death. He had taught her everything he knew. “Do you think he’ll fight his feelings for her?”
    Frang cackled, the sound echoing around the stone circle. “He’s been fighting it since the first moment he laid eyes upon her. He may yet set her aside.”
    Moira squared her shoulders. “Then I’ll have to make sure he doesn’t put up much of a fight.”

Chapter Nine
    The morning dawned crisp and sunny. Glenna eagerly waited until she heard Conall training with his men before she walked from her chamber. Her eyes found the guards that roamed the battlements. There was no need for them to ride the hills awaiting the MacNeil. The way the castle stood atop the cliff no one could ride toward the castle and not been seen many leagues out.
    There was no way the MacNeil could launch a surprise attack, which was why she felt safe enough to venture into the forest, though the way her heart beat so fast and loud she was sure everyone around her could hear it.
    She circled around Conall and his soldiers. The people still hadn’t accepted her yet none stopped her when she left the castle nor when she walked through the gates. She should have been elated yet part of her was miserable. Once again she was being ignored. Would there ever come a time when she meant something to someone, anyone?
    The music had woken her and continued to play as she broke her fast, until she could no longer deny the tug of the music. It pulled at her soul, urging her feet faster until she stood outside the stone circle.
    Moira stepped into her line of sight. There were so many questions Glenna wanted to ask, but they would wait. For now she was content to watch and learn as Moira held out her hand.
    Glenna walked with her until they reached a solid wall of stone. She looked to Moira and waited.
    “Do you believe in all I’ve told you?”
    Glenna nodded. “I know what Iona taught me. I know that innocent people have been harmed because—”
    “Because when you get angry or upset fires erupt,” Moira finished. “Iona was brought to teach you that you bring about fire during high emotion. I’ll teach you how to extinguish one, how to start one and how to control it.”
    “You can do that?”
    She smiled. “I’m a Druid.”
    “Is that what I am?” Iona had been right. She was finding answers, and she would find herself here.
    Moira nodded. “A very powerful one at that. Do you believe?”
    Glenna looked from Moira to the stone wall. Moira was trying to tell her something, but she couldn’t figure out what. “Aye, I believe.”
    In that instant the stone wall disappeared to show a luscious green meadow with a waterfall. It was like a dream. Everything was in bloom, and she had never seen so many different birds in all her

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