High Stakes Chattel

High Stakes Chattel by Andie Blue Page A

Book: High Stakes Chattel by Andie Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andie Blue
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horses a couple of days ago. Beautiful animals.”
    “What would make him buy more horses?” she asked perplexed. During the time she’d spent with him, she hadn’t thought him the type to spend money just because he could, and he’d seemed well satisfied with the horses he had.
    “I'm not sure, but it might have som ething to do with the woman he’s courting,” John told her conspiratorially, taking a large bite of his scone.
    Samantha almost dropped her tea. She’d nearly forgotten about Lady Morgan and couldn’t believe how deeply John’s words pained her. “Is Lady Morgan back from Italy?”
    “Ye s, the Viscountess and Lord Chattel have been going to several parties together. Frankly, I'm surprised. In all the years I’ve known him, he’s never had much time for the ladies.” He winked at her. “I was beginning to wonder if he wasn’t a bit queer, if you know what I mean.”
    Samantha wasn’t quite sure she did know what he meant, but his news made her feel as though she’d been kicked in the stomach. She felt exactly the same as she had when she’d lost the Chattel game. “What’s she like?” she asked dully.
    “She’s very beautiful, but pretty flighty. One minute she wants to go riding, the next she has changed her mind and wants to take the carriage into the village. She’s as silly as he is serious.”
    John lowered his head toward Samantha and said, “I think she even flirted with me, but I would never tell Lord Chattel that.”
    Samantha knew she had absolutely no right to feel proprietary about Lord Chattel, but for some reason she did. She hated to think of him saddled with some silly woman who wanted to be taken shopping and to parties. She wondered why he’d be attracted to such a person. He’d seemed the type to want a woman who offered him more than just beauty.
    “I came here to make you an offer ,” John said, leaning back in her chair and giving her a probing look. He seemed not to see her distress over the conversation.
    “ I’m looking for an assistant groom to help me. Lord Chattel authorized me to hire someone. It’s mostly helping to care for the horses and equipment while I continue to do the game hunting. The wages are extremely generous. It pays six pounds a month plus room and board. I thought perhaps you might know someone interested.” He leaned in closer and whispered, “Perhaps your cousin, Sam Taylor. The one who played in the tournament.”
    Samantha look ed at him in shock, while it dawned on her what he was suggesting. “Me?” she whispered. “I would love that work. You know how much I love caring for horses. And the pay is far more than our costs are here, so it would help me greatly. But wouldn't Lord Chattel be furious? Why would you risk his wrath and hire a woman?”
    “ He wouldn't be furious as long as you could do the job. And I know you need help from somewhere. Look at you.” He gestured to her obvious weight loss. Samantha’s cheeks reddened as she looked down at her dingy clothing that now hung off of her slight frame.
    John continued talking, not noticing her embarrassment. “I think he would be happy with the solution. He has asked me to check up on you from time to time and he was happy about your second-place win in the tournament.” He finished his scone, excitement building in his tone. “Maybe if you come to work at Bentley Park you can learn more Chattel and win first place next time.”
    “Would I work in costume?” Samantha doubted the practicality of this position.
    “I guess you'd have to,” he said pensively. “At least some of the time, when guests arrive.”  He paused to think. “I don’t know. Maybe it won’t work.”
    Samantha frowned, sad to see the opportunity slip away.
    “What if we give it a try?” John asked with a boyish smile. “You could come next week and we’ll see how it goes and what Lord Chattel thinks of it.”
    Samantha beamed at the chance to be close to Nico again and to bring Mrs.

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