High Stakes
look again—that super sultry, let's make like bunnies and do it look.
    "Cleaner.A little tired, but fine, thanks. I'm sorry you had to find me like that. And I appreciate your quick emergency response even if it wasn't necessary." He sat down on the couch next to her and gave her a smile.
    "Yeah, well, all in a day's work."
    "I ordered a new dinner for you. It should be here in a minute or two."
    "Thanks." Alexis stared at his chest. She couldn't help it. She knew what she had seen, believed Ethan was telling her the truth about his unusual genetic makeup, but it was still hard to swallow.
    "You can touch it if you want. Feel for yourself. There's no permanent damage."

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    That was enough to rip her eyes off his chest. "I'm not going to touch it!"
    "Scared you'll like it?"
    Yes. "No. Please. Get over yourself, Carrick."
    He laughed. "You're handling the events of the evening very well. I usually get hysterics when a mortal discovers the truth about me."
    Alexis wasn't entirely sure why she wasn't in hysterics, but she was grateful for that fact. "Have a lot of mortals discovered the truth about you?"
    Leaning his back against the arm, and lifting a leg onto the couch, he shrugged."No, not really.Maybe two or three. I've told some. But mostly we blend."
    She wished he'd blend his crotch into the couch so she wouldn't have to look atit, all spread out at her like a forbidden fruit. It was a little hard to keep her eyes off inappropriate parts. If she looked at his chest, she pictured touching it. If she looked at his crotch, well, hell, she didn't want to go there. If she looked at his legs, she imagined wrapping her own around them. And when she looked into his pale, cerulean blue eyes, she had an entire mental striptease choreographed in her head.
    Either he was doing that vampire mind control thing that he swore he couldn't do on her, or she was a sick bitch who thought vampires were sexy.
    Why the hell couldn't he be a werewolf? That wouldn't have done a thing for her, she was positive. Fur had never gotten her going.
    "So… how old are you? And how do you blend if you have to sleep all day and suck blood all night?"
    Did he need three pints square a night, or did he have to graze on blood constantly, like a whale shark with plankton, or could he make it a whole week without touching the stuff?
    Ethan gave her a look. "I don't suck blood all night. And I was born in 1067, the son of a Norman lord and his new Anglo-Saxon wife."
    Alexis swallowed, more freaked out than she cared to admit. "Wow.Dude. That's seriously old. And you don't look a day over thirty."
    "Neither do you." He smiled, and nudged her leg with his foot.
    "I am thirty."Which had seemed old until an hour ago. "So is nine hundred really like the new thirty then?
    Do you feel just as perky as ever?"
    "Actually, I get stronger with age. We're weak in our youth."
    "You should have a millennium birthday party. That would be cool."
    "Maybe I will. I hadn't thought much about it. I've been busy with the campaign."
    "Can I have a stiff drink now?" Alexis thought it was time for a bottle of gin, just to settle her stomach.

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    The doorbell rang. "I have a better idea.Dinner."
    A minute later, he had her steak dinner in front of her, served with pea pods and roasted potatoes. It did smell good, but she felt rude eating in front of him. "Did you ever, um, eat?"
    "No, I was waiting for your food to arrive."
    "Go ahead. You must be dying since you lost all that blood." Without even trying, she managed to make him laugh. "No pun intended."
    "If you'll just excuse me, I'll grab myself a drink then."
    "Sure." Alexis chewed and sipped an ice water, her stomach making embarrassing noises as it embraced the beef enthusiastically.
    She was surprised to see Ethan come back into the room empty-handed. "Where's your drink?"

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