High Speed Hunger
drive. Why's he so fuckin' special?"
    "Come on, boy," Pop interrupted, obviously sensing the same trouble brewing Eileen sensed. "I got some new equipment for you to check out." He grabbed Bobby's elbow and pulled him in the other direction. The glare Bobby fixed on Ty could've lit him on fire.
    Eileen stared after Bobby and Pop with a mixture of emotions. As much as she disliked testing out the new guy, she was intrigued to see how Ty drove. Pop would never allow him to drive if he didn't sense something great in him.
    Bobby needed to watch his attitude, too. Ty's sheer size alone should be enough to put him in the hospital should they ever fight. Before they rounded the back of the hauling truck, Pop looked over his shoulder and winked.
    "Your boyfriend doesn't like me." Ty shoved his hands in the pockets of his yellow coveralls. Eileen couldn't help raking her gaze over the lower half of his body.
    Whenshe finally glanced up to his face, his knowing expression made her blush.
    "That's just the way Bobby is." She forced a smile. "He's a damn good driver, though."
    Ty stared at her, his gaze piercing. "A smart woman like you shouldn't be on the arm of a man like him."
    Eileen snorted, but he didn't laugh. "He's not that bad."
    He stared at her lips, her eyes, making her more nervous with each passing breath. "You'll never be more than a gorgeous trophy on his arm."
    She opened her mouth to argue, but no words came forth in Bobby's defense. Ty was right. But gorgeous ?
    "And that's a shame," he added, his voice think and sensual. "Maybe I'm too old-fashioned, but if you were my girl, you'd never have to wonder what I cherish most, and I'm a damn good driver."
    She didn't know how to respond to that, but somehow she knew Tyrone Ellis was unlike any man she knew or had ever known. He doesn't even know me. "Uh . . .
    okay. Well, then. I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning." She nodded, shifting her gaze to the crowd now departing the stands. Awkward .
    "Have a good night, Mr. Ellis."
    When she smiled at him, Ty winked, and the corner of his mouth tipped up again. "You too, girl ."
    Eileen walked away before he said something else to make her weak in the knees. The fact he called her 'girl' when she specifically told him not to didn't really bother her. On the contrary, his defiance turned her on.
    As she walked through the gate, feeling the unwanted pulse of need between her legs, she looked over her shoulder. Ty stood in the same spot, still watching her.

Chapter Two
    Late Thursday evening, Ty wandered downstairs to the shop to look for his music CD, figuring he'd left it in the boom box.
    He made his way down the interior stairwell and paused when he reached the landing. From the distant music, he wondered if one of the mechanics was working late.
    Being the new guy, he didn't want to step on any toes, but he was only coming in to grab something quick not barging in to offer anyone advice or a hand.
    Several Sprint cars were up on hoists, others parked in neat rows along one of the walls. The team had over a dozen cars, each one of them souped-up to the nuts.
    Ty headed over to the boom box. He didn't see anyone by the cars. Maybe somebody had forgotten to shut the music off.
    Just as he was about to flip open the CD compartment, a movement on the other side of the shop caught his attention. Thinking Mak, the lead mechanic, must be tinkering around, he wandered over to say hello.
    As he neared the work truck parked by the far wall, he caught a glimpse of red hair through the truck windows. He squinted for a better view, but couldn't tell what or who it was. He rounded the back end of the truck, and wished immediately that he'd never come downstairs.
    A red haired woman he thought he'd recognized was bent over a counter, her skirt pushed up over her hips as Bobby fucked her from behind. Ty stood frozen on the spot, speechless, unable to tear his gaze away from the two of them. At first, he thought it could be Eileen, but

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