Heroes (Hollywood Heartthrobs #1)

Heroes (Hollywood Heartthrobs #1) by Kate Rivers Page B

Book: Heroes (Hollywood Heartthrobs #1) by Kate Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Rivers
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trance. “Dean, I…” Her voice trailed off.
Two tears slipped from her lashes and down her cheek. She wiped them away
quickly, looking down. She took a moment to compose herself. He was absolutely
speechless. She finally met his eye. “I think I like this play.” Her eyes still
shined with tears, but a smile broke across her face like a brilliant rainbow
after a devastating storm.
couldn’t hold back his joy. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her
close, nearly knocking the computer to the floor. He could feel her start to
shake from laughter. He fought against the stinging in his eyes. He thought he
could spend forever in this moment.
              She just let
him hold her, happy to be in his arms as she steadied herself. Finally she
pulled away gently, reaching for a tissue to wipe her eyes. Dean was still
silent, a look on his face of mingled joy and concern.
              “Sorry, I
didn’t mean to get so emotional,” she said, sheepishly. “I was just so excited
to find something that actually felt familiar.”
              “God, Jane,
don’t apologize! I’m so happy about it! Do you remember anything else? Should
we finish the movie? How can I help you?” He said, seemingly without pausing
for breath.
              She grinned
in response. “Whoa now, slow down, sport. At this moment I’m not getting
anything else in terms of recalling memories. But I also I didn’t know I knew
that speech until I heard it. And I can’t say with any certainty that I’ll know
much more. From the time the movie started something felt oddly familiar about
it, but it didn’t fall into place until that speech. Perhaps that’s the part I
know best? Anyway, I expect the rest will at least feel familiar, but I
couldn’t say whether I’ll be able to recite anything else.”
              “So no big
moment where your whole life flashes before your eyes?” Dean asked, trying to
hide his hope in a flippant tone.
no. But you understand what this means, don’t you?”
              Jane was
still smiling, but her eyes took on a steely expression. “It means the doctor
was right about the damage not being permanent. I still have my memory, I just
can’t seem to access it, yet.” She looked at Dean with determination. “It means
I can get back to who I am. I can and I will.”
              Dean put a
hand comfortingly on her shoulder, and looked directly into her eyes. “I don’t
doubt you for a second.”
Dean.” She paused. “Your confidence means a lot to me.” Dean felt like his
heart was swelling in his chest. “So, on to battle?” Jane asked, with a pointed
glance at the screen.
              They settled
themselves back down for the conclusion of the film. Dean draped his arm around
Jane’s shoulders. It felt so natural, he couldn’t resist the chance to hold
her. Jane welled up with tears again after the battle, and Dean heard her give
the tiniest sniffle. If he had his way, she would only ever cry for a film
again, he thought wildly. It was amazing. Jane wasn’t an overly emotional
woman; her ability to take her current condition in stride was proof of that.
Yet, she cried over the fate of these characters. She was never weak, but also
never closed off. Incredibly strong, but completely open to feeling. Dean was
              The film
finally ended, but neither seemed to want to move. Jane closed the lid of the
laptop, setting it aside. “Thank you again, Dean, that was… really
enlightening,” she said with a smile.
pleasure,” he answered.
looked up into those impossibly beautiful blue eyes and wanted nothing more
than to reach up and kiss his soft, inviting lips. She held the moment for some
heartbeats before letting it break. Shaking sense into herself, she couldn’t
possibly be so forward. She

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