Hero - The Ambush: Special Forces Romance

Hero - The Ambush: Special Forces Romance by M. S. Parker Page A

Book: Hero - The Ambush: Special Forces Romance by M. S. Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. S. Parker
Tags: Romance
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for the tequila she lost. I knew better than to tell her that she probably shouldn't have anymore to drink, but the look she gave me said she knew what I was thinking.
    “We have to toast the brave soldier,” she said.
    I glanced at Devlin and he gave me a slight nod. He apparently preferred to deal with a more intoxicated Leighton rather than the scene she would surely make if we stopped her.
    Dinner was delicious, specially prepared by the chef himself, though no one paid much attention to their food. Devlin ate as precisely and neatly as always, but his expression was tight, his lips in a thin line. Ian barely ate anything, whether from nerves or eagerness, it was hard to tell. Leighton talked too loudly and sloshed red wine on the white tablecloth while essentially ignoring her meal. I ate as best I could, as much to show my appreciation for being included as anything else.
    I couldn't help but wonder if I'd done the right thing. Should I have encouraged Ian to maybe go to college, find his own way there? He could've gone somewhere away from LA, chosen his own major and forged a path for himself. Had it been my own desire to re-enlist that had driven me to support Ian's decision? Or worse, had he seen my determination as a statement on himself, on what he should do? Had he chosen to re-enlist because of something I'd said or done?
    I looked over at him and his eyes met mine. His gaze was serious and I read there everything I needed to know. He'd chosen this on his own. I might've supported his decision, helped him figure out what he needed to do to make it happen, but it had been his choice.
    “I'd like to make a toast,” I said, before I realized the words were heading toward my mouth. I swallowed and held up my glass. “Ian, I did my duty when I got you out of the line of fire, but more than that, I know I did the right thing. I didn't have the honor of knowing your parents, but I know they'd be proud of you and the man you've become. Just like I know your family loves you. Remember that. Remember them. No matter what other reasons may exist for choosing to serve, always remember that one. You're protecting the people you love, and that's always the right thing to do.”
    I caught Leighton's eyes before she blinked and her expression rolled away. She giggled and missed her first grab for her wine glass. Still, there'd been something in that flash of her eyes. I barely kept myself from frowning. Was she faking her intoxication?
    “I'll drink to that,” Devlin said. “I'm so proud of you, Ian, and as Haze said, your parents would've been too. Not happy. No, I'm still angry you're leaving and endangering yourself again, but I am proud. You need to go and find your way and know that I love you.”
    Leighton raised her glass, but said nothing, her eyes fixed on her brother.
    “I know,” Ian said softly. “I love you too.”
    We all took solemn drinks from our glasses, the atmosphere shifting around us. Ian's phone buzzed and he glanced down at it. Even though he didn't smile, the excitement was clear on his face, in his eyes.
    “On that note, my ride's waiting.”
    We all stood to walk him out, Leighton neatly avoiding me as she linked arms with her brother. The move seemed too calculated, too smooth. She smelled of tequila, but enough had spilled on her dress to cover up if she'd actually drank any or not. I'd been watching her at dinner, and even though she'd raised her glass to drink more than once, I was pretty sure she hadn't drank more than half a glass the entire time. Now, as I watched her sway with him to the front of the hotel, I was more convinced with every step that she was faking her intoxication.
    Was it so hard for her to express genuine emotion that she had to create a reason she couldn't do it properly? Or was she still stuck on her self-destruct course, so determined to ruin her life that she'd deliberately make a fool of herself now?
    The entrance to the hotel was crowded, so I went first,

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