Hermes (Frozen Origin #2)

Hermes (Frozen Origin #2) by Crystal Dawn Page B

Book: Hermes (Frozen Origin #2) by Crystal Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Dawn
Tags: Paranormal Erotic Romance eBook
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headed to Dallas anyway carrying a liver for transplant.
    They might be lucky, but right now they didn’t feel lucky cramped in the back with the box carrying the lifesaving organ.  He would have just let her run if he didn’t think she might be in danger. It was that and this almost painful need he had developed for her. He had never felt such a strong attachment to a female even before that incredible session of love making. After that, how could she deny him? How could she just leave him like he meant nothing to her? Maybe it hadn’t felt the same to her? They were circling the roof of the hospital in Dallas where they would land. A SUV would be waiting in the garage as near the door as they could find a parking spot.
    The copter landed and he and Hades jumped off and ran for the door avoided the group on the roof waiting for the package. He ached all over and was surprised he could walk much less run. Sometimes it paid to be a god. The SUV wasn’t hard to find , the keys were in the ignition, a necessary risk they had taken. They jumped in and they headed out to reclaim their women. He drove, since Hades had never been there before. A feeling of dread settled in his stomach alerting him to the danger that awaited them. How could Cher be so stupid and careless just because she wanted to get away from him? He wasn’t a bad guy and he feared he felt way too much for the little female. He glanced at Hades and saw the same concerns reflected on his face. He sped up a bit more but being stopped by a cop wouldn’t help their situation.
    They finally got close and they stopped pulling into a spot beside the road that would accommodate the vehicle without it sticking out into the street. At this point they would hike to the house so if there was trouble, they could check it out before they took action. He just couldn’t wrap his head around her need to escape him at all costs and he was sure he wouldn’t ever understand it. They started out at a hard jog slowing the closer they got to Ben’s property. His spine tingled the closer they got telling him trouble did await and it was worse than he had anticipated. They arrived at the house and he was sure they were undetected. A jeep sat in the drive which he was sure was Ben’s because it had been there when he was there before. An SUV was behind it, a rental no doubt, judging by the plates.
    Even though there was no other vehicle in sight, Hermes knew there was probably one somewhere because there was a sense of malicious intent in the air. He saw the same knowledge in Hades eyes, they would have to be careful to save their mates and any innocents there as well. They went in opposite directions, they would meet on the other side by then knowing if there was any sign of an enemy. Hermes moved to the barn, the perfect place to hide a car out of sight. There it was, an old sports car that had seen better days. He could smell the distinctive smells of three males. That wasn’t so bad, he and Hades could easily handle three human men. He moved on around to where Hades waited.
    “Three men, one is Keven, Cher’s brother. ”
    “Kill or capture?” Hades asked with a curious tilt of his head.
    “We need to capture someone to question, but don’t endanger anyone for his sake.” Hermes wanted to be clear, take no chances but capture if you can. These men were all involved with Origin. He knew the only reason Hades asked him what to do, was that he knew about these man and one was his mate’s brother. Hades was in charge unless he gave up that right. He appreciated Hades thinking of him and even though they were brutal when teasing each other, they were brothers in a truer sense of the word than most that were born to the same parents.
    They moved to the house where the y used their keener senses to listen for conversation and attempt to sniff out locations. Hermes heard sounds going to the back door, one of the men was going to the car in the barn. He looked at the sprawling

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