Her Small-Town Cowboy

Her Small-Town Cowboy by Mia Ross Page A

Book: Her Small-Town Cowboy by Mia Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Ross
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of us sometimes. We think we’re on the right path, and then something pops up in front of us to show us another way. When people say ‘God works in mysterious ways,’ that’s what they mean.”
    Intellectually, Lily knew he wasn’t speaking directly to her, but it certainly felt as if he was. When she glanced around her, she saw people nodding slightly, while others were frowning as if he’d hit a sore spot with them. A few, like her, appeared to be entranced by his words, as if he’d shed some light on something they’d been struggling to understand in their own lives.
    Taking the lesson a bit further, for the first time she could almost view Chad breaking off their engagement as a good thing. That crushing disappointment and the embarrassment that followed it had forced her to reassess her life and admit it wasn’t the one she wanted for herself. No matter how wonderful he might be, she wasn’t the type of woman to exist in the shadow of her husband, following him through the maze of social obligations that had always bored her.
    That was Natalie’s life, and she adored it. But Lily felt there must be more out there for her, and Chad’s leaving had given her the opportunity to find it. She might not be spoiled and sheltered the way she would have been as his wife, and being alone could be tough to deal with sometimes. But she was happy. Her independence was worth more to her than all the possessions in the world.
    Here, in this tiny country church, she’d discovered what was truly important to her. Smiling at the vaulted ceiling, she offered up a silent “Thank you.”
    A warm breeze wafted through the tall window beside her, grazing her cheek with a soft touch akin to a caress. Fanciful as it was, she couldn’t help feeling it was Great-Grandma Katie, reaching down from heaven to let Lily know she was proud of her.
    After the service, some people filed out right away, while others hung back chatting with friends. Maggie nudged Abby, who gave her a confused look before catching on. Turning back to Lily, she asked, “Would you like to come back to the farm and have lunch with us?”
    “That’s very thoughtful of you, but I’ll have to pass for today. I have someone waiting for me at my place.” Excitement got the better of her, and she thumbed the photos icon on her phone. Spinning it, she showed Abby a shot of the napping puppy.
    Letting out a delighted shriek, the girl snatched her phone away and stared at the picture with unabashed joy. “Look how little it is. Is it a boy or a girl?”
    “A boy. He’s so young, his eyes are barely open, but they look blue to me.”
    “What are you going to name him?”
    “Oh, I’m not going to do that. I can’t keep him, so I’ll let his new owners figure out what they want to call him.”
    “They do that at the shelter, too,” her student informed her in a very grown-up voice. “It’s a good idea.”
    The shelter. In all the excitement, Lily had forgotten all about the farm’s rescue center. But now that Abby had mentioned it, that was the perfect solution to her predicament of what to do with the little guy. Looking down at Abby, she asked, “Would you like to help me take him over there tomorrow after school?”
    “Would I?” Abby echoed, sending Maggie a hopeful look. “Pleeease, Grammy?”
    “I’ve got a better idea,” the patient woman replied. “Why don’t we go over to Bea’s and get him, and stop in at the rescue center clinic so one of the vet techs can check him out?”
    “On a Sunday?” Lily asked.
    “Critters show up all the time,” Maggie explained, “so there’s always someone on duty. They don’t earn much money, but every one of them really loves animals. Plus, they’ll have all the supplies a new owner will need to take care of such a young puppy. Your little friend will be in good hands.”
    It sounded like an excellent plan, so Lily agreed. The pup was still asleep when they arrived, so Lily scooped him up, blanket

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