Her Mile High Mates [The Hot Millionaires #4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Her Mile High Mates [The Hot Millionaires #4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Zara Chase Page A

Book: Her Mile High Mates [The Hot Millionaires #4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Zara Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zara Chase
Tags: Romance
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    “Yeah, that figures.” Peyton stretched his arms above his head. “You working tomorrow?”
    “I have a couple of lessons booked in the morning, but that’s it. I only get paid if there are clients, so I don’t have to hang about if there’s nothing to do.”
    “Stay here tonight, then.”
    She blinked in confusion. “Why?”
    Stupid question, Brook.
    Clyde grinned. “I can think of several reasons straight off.”
    “Me, too.” Peyton’s lazy, appreciative smile made her gut churn with desire. “But it would also be safer.”
    She blinked back her surprise. “You think I’m in danger?”
    “These people don’t fuck about, Fabia. If they caught on to Sonia, don’t imagine they aren’t aware who you are.”
    “Besides, it’s more comfortable here than in the staff units,” Clyde added.
    “Undoubtedly, but—”
    “You know Clyde and I want to play with you,” Peyton said softly, “but only if it’s what you want, too. And that isn’t why I asked you to stay here.”
    “Well, I—”
    “Tomorrow afternoon the three of us will drive over to your folks’ place and take a look at your dad’s diaries. We might see something in them that you missed.”
    “Something that will help find Sonia, or something to help your operation?”
    Peyton stood, pulled her to his feet, and placed his hands on her shoulders, daylight separating their bodies. “I was thinking only about Sonia.”
    “Sorry.” She shook her head. What was wrong with her? “I know you’re only trying to help.”
    “Have you tried charging up her phone to see if there are any messages to lend clues?” Clyde asked.
    “I intend to, but the battery’s dead, and I haven’t had a chance to find a charger yet.”
    “No worries.” Peyton released her shoulders. “We’ll do it now. Dead batteries we can fix.”
    Clyde took the phone from Fabia, disappeared into the study, and emerged a short time later.
    “Found one. It’s charging now.”
    No one said anything, but expectancy hovered in the air between them like a bothersome celestial watchdog. Both men fastened their gazes on her face. She glanced down and noticed that impressive erections were testing the strength of their zippers. If she said no they would respect her decision. But Fabia absolutely didn’t want to say no. She needed to find solace in their arms and put the debilitating pain of the loss she’d been living with for six months behind her for a brief time.
    “What shall we do while we wait?” she asked, nipping her lower lip between her teeth. “Any suggestions, boys?”
    “Plenty.” Peyton stood directly in front of her and looked her squarely in the eye. “But you’re gonna have to submit to us, Fabia. You up for that?”
    “Absolutely.” She lowered her eyes, trying to ignore the fire that had ignited her pussy. “I wish to please you both.”
    “Oh, I think it’s safe to say that you’ll achieve that ambition,” Peyton said with another heated smile that spread the fire to her nipples.
    “Come on!”
    Clyde grabbed one of her hands, Peyton the other, and they propelled her toward the playroom. Fabia stepped inside and gasped. It was lit with dim up lights, similar to the ones on the terrace, creating swirling shadows that made it appear dangerous, mysterious, and enticing all at the same time. What was it about dangerous situations that so compelled her? The answer was flanking her—still holding her hands. One wore an expression that was expectant. The other appeared gratified by her reaction. Both had bodies and cocks that made her weak at the knees with anticipation.
    But that wasn’t what caught Fabia’s immediate attention. It was the overwhelming perfume of fresh jasmine that stole her breath away. Freshly cut sprigs were spread everywhere—over the bed, in jars beside it, even on the floor. Clyde must have done this while she’d been in the helicopter with Peyton. That he’d gone to so much trouble to give her pleasure

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