Hels's Gauntlet [Forbidden Legacy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Hels's Gauntlet [Forbidden Legacy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Heather Long Page B

Book: Hels's Gauntlet [Forbidden Legacy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Heather Long Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Long
Tags: Romance
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awareness of her affection and on a lower level, lust and need, he heard only Jacob’s thoughts. They were a hum, a low level of white noise underscoring everything, even his own thoughts.
    Jacob. Look at me.
    He sent the thought quivering along the bond, and the Wizard pivoted sharply, his brown gaze open and expectant, then shuttering with narrow intensity. The silver connection went flat, but it didn’t dissipate.
    “My apologies. I was testing a theory.” Helcyon held up his hands and retreated to the opposite counter. Crossing his arms, he was surprised to feel the gentle ridges he expected where his wounds knitted together transformed to smooth skin. The pinch, burn, and sting of his wounds were gone.
    Jacob blew out a breath. “Screw the coffee. Explain.” The Wizard’s anxiety climbed several notches, and that leaked through. Helcyon concentrated, flattening the bond further.
    “Block me.” The Wizard would need to help shut the connection down so he could explain it or it wouldn’t matter how Helcyon described it. The inclination to believe him would exist one way or the other. He preferred a Jacob with his self-determination intact.
    “How exactly? It seems to be buried deep in my psyche, and even if I shut that down, I can find you through Cassie.”
    “True, but the issue is not our mutual bond with Cassandra, but the bond we created together. If we close the door on both sides, it should mute most of the effects.”
    “Most?” Jacob’s eyebrows climbed, and a brief flash of animosity ricocheted down the pathway to knock against Helcyon’s conscience.
    “It’s been a long time since this happened, Jacob. I think I’ve forgotten more about these types of bonds than I remember. If I’d realized what was happening when it did…” Helcyon hesitated. He didn’t want to say he would have stopped it because deep in his soul, the Lord rousing from his too long sleep recognized that he wouldn’t have.
    “But you would have clued me in and let me make the choice for myself.” Jacob finished the unspoken thought with a grimace. “I believe you, but is it because I believe you or because of the bond?”
    It’s because you’re madly in love with me. Helcyon let that thought drift out, and Jacob snorted.
    “Got it, but you can control me if you put your mind to it.” It wasn’t a question.
    “Not yet. But if we don’t set some boundaries, eventually.” Helcyon inclined his head, conceding the point. “Close the door. I am doing the same. We must both focus on it. We do not want to sever the connection, not yet. But I give you my word…if you decide that you want it broken, I will allow it.” The concession cost him. He could diminish again without the Wizard’s faith and loyalty, but he’d rather have his friendship.
    They had to take this one step at a time.
    As one they inhaled, and Helcyon focused his will. The connection shimmered, shivering under the force as they both closed the doors. The white noise muted further and then faded until only the knowledge that Jacob lay beyond that door remained, but his thoughts were his own. He sent the order for Jacob to look at him again, but the Wizard remained inwardly focused, perhaps struggling with his door or studying the roots of the connection holding them together.
    The coffeepot made the long, slow sucking noise indicating it finished its task, and Jacob’s eyes opened. He ignored Helcyon while he fixed a cup of coffee. “She feels okay to me. Nothing’s changed.” He added the last over his shoulder.
    “She is fine.” With the breath of the thought, he could sense her sleeping. Her mind rested deeply away from him, but she was safe and secure in his bed, exhausted from the pleasure and the worry.
    “You want a cup?”
    The revolting request carried a hint of amusement, and Helcyon relaxed, the stiffness retreating from his muscles. Jacob remained willing to listen. A good thing. They had discovered once that anger between them

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