Heavy Metal Thunder

Heavy Metal Thunder by Kyle B. Stiff Page B

Book: Heavy Metal Thunder by Kyle B. Stiff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kyle B. Stiff
Tags: Fantasy
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Furthermore, if you have Sixth Sense ,
add 2 to this number.
    If you are out of ammunition, or have so little that
you do not think you can make an accurate shot, turn to section 73 .
    If the number is 8 or less, turn to section 185 .
    If the number is between 9 and 14, turn to section 208 .
    If the number is 15 or more, turn to section 484 .

    Uther throws a small steel container into the
hallway, which emits some sort of thick black gas. “Go!” he says, running into
the hall and firing. Marcus tosses several grenades, then covers you and Sybel with a full clip from his massive rifle. Uther turns and
runs, screams, “Jetpacks!” and, to your amazement, takes off flying down the
narrow hallway. Sybel blasts off as well, joining him.
    Your stomach churns, for you have never flown your
jetpack, designed for zero-G flight in wide-open space, in such narrow
quarters. A hail of alien gunfire erupts directly behind you, then Marcus blasts past you, skidding against the wall in a
shower of sparks and cursing loudly.
    If you want to use your jetpack to blast out of the
area, turn to section 449 .
    If you want to run as fast as you can, turn to
section 453 .

    You wake up fully rested, but your body aches from
all of your many wounds. You take some time to clean and patch yourself up as
best you can, which is difficult because the idea of taking off your space suit
fills you with revulsion, even terror. Did the Black Lance Legion program me ,
you wonder, to never remove my suit unless I was on my own ship? Why does
the idea fill me with such fear?
    You heal 3 Blood . However, if you are
trained in First Aid , then you heal an additional 3 Blood. Furthermore, if any of your stats have been temporarily lowered, then they are
now restored.
    Turn to section 317 .

    You fire your gun and note, with deep satisfaction, that
one of the monster’s teeth shatters. “Bet that hurt!” you scream as hundreds of
other teeth clamp down on your neck and torso, grinding through your suit, your
skin, your bones, your organs. Each layer hurts in its own special way.
    Be sure to erase the amount of ammunition that you
used. Then erase your character from existence. You have died in the belly of a
beast that serves the Invader.
    THE END.
    Regeneration: You may return to section 179 and try again, if you

    The door refuses to open. If you have a Lounge Key Card , you can use it to open the door. Otherwise, you must
fire either 1 Rifle bullet or 2 Handgun bullets into the
control panel to open it.
    If you manage to open the door by one of these methods,
turn to section 500 .
    If you have none of these items, or do not have
enough bullets, or would rather just try doing things the hard way, turn to
section 409 .

    As you fly toward the Invader, something slams into
your back. Two more Invaders fly by on either side of you; horrified, you
realize that they are carrying some sort of metallic net and have ensnared you.
The bushwhackers loop about you, entangling your limbs and weapons, while the
first Invader flies toward you more quickly than before, most likely licking
his chops in anticipation of an easy kill.
    You must now compute a number that determines how
well you can fight while ensnared. This number is your Dexterity stat
added to your Zero G Combat stat. If you have the Jetpack Skill ,
add 5 to this number. If you are trained in Weapon Proficiency: Hand-to-Hand ,
and it is with the weapon you are using, add 1 to this number. If you are
fighting with a Blade , add 2. If you are fighting with a Spear ,
subtract 2. If, for whatever reason, you are fighting unarmed ,
subtract 5.
    During the battle you lose 11 Blood , though
you may subtract the number you calculated from this amount. You may also
subtract your Defense rating from this amount. However, if you lose 3 or
more Blood, then you also lose 1 SD.
    If you die, then you may Regenerate by turning back to section 161 .
    While the first Invader

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