Heat Waves
“You're really embarrassing yourself.”
    “You really want that underdeveloped fat ass
bitch?” Wendy asked.
    Jack walked away, holding the towels that he
had retrieved.
    “See you tomorrow, Jack,” Wendy said.
    Jack was silent. Wendy pouted in the
background. She followed behind and pursued him further.
    “I'm sorry, Jack,” Wendy said. “I just
thought we had something special.”
    Wendy looked out of the corner of her eye as
if to gauge Diane's reaction.
    “What are you talking about, Wendy?” Jack
asked. “Are you delusional?”
    “Let's not keep it a secret any longer,”
Wendy replied. “It's not fair to that poor girl, Diane.”
    “You're mad,” Jack said. “You've lost your
    Diane wondered if Wendy was telling the
truth. Maybe Wendy knew that Diane was eavesdropping.
    “See you tomorrow, Jack,” Wendy said.
    Jack grimaced.
    “That reminds me,” Jack said. “Would you come
over tomorrow for Sunday brunch?”
    “Me?” Diane asked.
    “Of course, you,” Jack replied. “I would like
to introduce you to my parents.”
    Diane felt flattered that he would want her
to meet his parents, especially so soon. He must have really
thought that she was special.
    “I would love to,” Diane replied.
    Wendy leered at Diane as Jack was writing
down directions for her.
    “Oh, Jack,” Wendy said. “I forgot to mention,
Tara was looking for you.”
    “Did she say what she wanted?” Jack asked
    “No, sorry, she didn't,” Wendy replied.
    “I'll be right back,” Jack said, motioning
toward Diane.
    Jack walked away. Wendy leaned in close to
Diane once Jack was out of hearing distance.
    “Tomorrow is the last day you will see him,”
Wendy said. “Jack and I are meant to be together.”
    Diane's stomach fluttered due to Wendy's
unpleasant tone.
    Jack walked up with an upset look on his
face. Wendy scurried away.
    “Wendy,” Jack shouted. “Lying to me is not
good. I don't know what your game is, but it's not working.”
    Jack and Diane shared a loving kiss, to say
goodbye, as they prepared to go their separate ways.
    “See you tomorrow,” Jack whispered, gazing
into Diane's eyes. “I'm counting the minutes.”
    Diane smiled. Could it be love, she
    They both went their separate ways.
    There was an uncomfortable silence when Tara
got into Diane's car.
    “Thanks for inviting me,” Diane said.
    “I'll have you know,” Tara said, “that Jack’s
and Wendy's families want them to be together.”
    “Jack isn't interested in her,” Diane said.
“He's interested in me.
    “I knew it was a mistake inviting you,” Tara
said. “I can't believe you humiliated me like that. I just hope
Wendy will speak to me again. Although, I wouldn't blame her if she
didn't. You ruined everything.”
    “Where is she?” Diane asked.
    “She left with someone else,” Tara replied.
“When I saw her, she wouldn't even speak to me.”
    Not another word was spoken during the rest
of the drive home. Diane pulled up in front of Tara's house. Tara
got out, grabbed her stuff, and slammed the car door without saying
goodbye. Diane waited until Tara got safely into the house, and
then drove off. Tears ran down her face as she drove away. There
were mixed feelings of disappointment and excitement. She shifted
her thought toward Jack, and looked forward to spending another day
with him, in spite of the negative feelings Tara had created.
    The next morning Diane drove to Jack's
parent’s home. She was surprised to see the size of their land.
After she buzzed in at the front gate, it took her at least fifteen
minutes to drive to the house. The landscaping was extraordinary.
Every bush was meticulously shaped into some type of abstract
design. It was obvious that they were a wealthy, cultured family of
    When Diane pulled up in front of the house, a
valet ran up, opened the car door, took her car keys, and drove
off. She was somewhat dumbfounded, because she had never expected
that Jack's family

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