Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2)

Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2) by Miranda P. Charles Page A

Book: Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2) by Miranda P. Charles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda P. Charles
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this time. "Nothing," he muttered as he gave his brother a warning glance.
    "Have you told Jessa you wanted to personally oversee our new advertorial campaign?"
    "Not yet," James replied. "I was just about to tell her when you joined us."
    "Oh, right. Well, I better leave you to it, then." Philip sauntered away with a big grin on his face.
    James cleared his throat nervously. "Um, as Philip said, Jessa, I will be overseeing the new campaign so you will be dealing with me as well as Martha."
    "I see," she uttered although she was confused. Her job was to edit six educational articles written by one of Bradley's senior accountants. When she was done, she was to send them back to Martha, their business development manager, for her final approval and then the articles were published in the magazine. That was how it worked the last time.
    "I'm just wondering, James. Has something changed? Apart from editing the articles your office provides me, there's not much else for me to get involved with," she asked.
    "Oh, well, I was thinking - I mean, Philip and I were thinking - that we should share with you the campaign statistics we capture after running each article. It would, of course, help us with preparing subsequent articles, but you'll also know where and how our marketing is being targeted. It could help you when you do your editing. We'll all be on the same page."
    "That makes perfect sense." She smiled at him and his cheeks turned pink again.
    Jessa noticed Ray looking in their direction. When she glanced at him, he gave her a big, knowing grin. She mentally rolled her eyes. Ray had teased her before that James Bradley was interested in her but she didn't believe him. There might be some validity to his assumption, after all. Not that it mattered. She already had a boyfriend - for a few months, at least.


    It's been a week and there's still nothing from him!
    Jessa frowned at her ceiling as she lay in bed, feeling lost and alone. It was Friday night and she hadn't spoken to Rob all week. He hadn't called at all. They did exchange texts last Sunday when he got back to Melbourne but they were brief and it was just to say they'd see each other again in two weeks.
    She missed him. Badly.
    The nights were the worst, especially when she was in bed. At least during the times she wasn't in her bed, she was able to make herself busy enough to do other things than think about him.
    Granted, she hadn't called him either. She was tempted to dial his number many times but something in her wanted to hold out and see when - if - he would call.
    She consoled herself with the thought that Rob might not be used to having a girlfriend and therefore didn't know that she would be wanting him to call her. She wouldn't even be surprised if he wasn't used to initiating calls to women. Women probably were the ones who called him! Besides, she wasn't exactly a real girlfriend. It was just a convenient word to use for the arrangement they had.
    She grabbed her other pillow - Rob's pillow - and buried her head underneath it. Her heart ached at the thought of not meaning anything more to Rob than just being another sexual partner he'd be finished with in a few months, if that. Didn't he say they could still call it off if it wasn't working even before the four months were up?
    Tears escaped her closed eyelids. Should she get off the bus now? She was scared it might crash much earlier than she anticipated and she might end up with more serious injuries than just some scrapes and bruises.
    Her ringing phone made her jump. She snatched it from her bedside table and her heart skipped a beat before racing madly. She hastily wiped her tears away and composed herself before answering.
    "Hi, Rob."
    "Hi, Jess," he answered in a cheery voice. "How are you going?"
    "Okay," she lied. "And you?"
    "Apart from missing you, I'm fine."
    Her lips slowly curved up and the dark clouds started to dissipate. "Really?"
    "Okay, I'm lying. I'm less than fine. I

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