Hear No Evil (Alpha Guardians Book 2)
brushing my teeth,” Cassie said with a laugh.
    “You have precisely six minutes before I come in there after you,” Gabriel informed her. “I promise leniency if you don’t make me get out of bed to hunt you down.”
    “Is that right?” Cassie asked, pushing up on her elbows and pursing her lips.
    “That’s bloody well right. You’re not leaving my bed again until you’re so well-fucked you can’t think straight,” Gabriel warned her. “I’m going to have you every way possible, as many times as possible. I’m thinking… two weeks? Three? How long do you think it’ll take for you to forget that anyone existed before me?”
    Cassie gave a startled, bemused huff. As if she had eyes for anyone but Gabriel after last night!
    “I— I don’t know what to say to that,” she admitted, blushing.
    Gabriel let her off easy, releasing her and shooing her off the bed.
    “You’ve only got five minutes now, so you’d better get a move on if your teeth truly need attending to.”
    Cassie laughed and hurried to comply, certain that she’d be well rewarded on her return.

    “ I thought you weren’t going to leave me until I forgot that the rest of the world existed,” Cassie protested when Gabriel rose and dressed.
    He arched a brow.
    “I believe I said I was going to make you forget other men,” he clarified. “And if the last six days haven’t satisfied your appetites… Well, I’ll make it up to you at sunrise. I really do have to patrol tonight, though. Rhys and Aeric are tired of covering for me while I fawn over my new mate.”
    Cassie stretched and climbed out of the bed, sauntering over to Gabriel’s armoire and finding a soft cotton t-shirt to pull on. They’d already established that Gabriel loved seeing Cassie in his clothes, loved his scent on her skin. Even now, he was giving her a speculative glance as he laced up a pair of black leather combat boots.
    “You look hot in that outfit,” Cassie said, giving him the same look right back when he stood. He wore black pants, a tight black t-shirt, and a black tactical vest that did something very naughty to Cassie’s oversexed brain. “Maybe I should be worried about you .”
    Gabriel made an exasperated sound and came over to drop a kiss on her lips, then gave her ass a light swat.
    “I left a present for you in the study,” he said. “And I had the maids organize it while we were otherwise occupied. I meant what I said about you picking out some new furniture, too, unless you want your office in the guest bedroom. God knows you’re never sleeping in there again.”
    Cassie scoffed at his presumptuous declaration, but Gabriel merely smirked and stalked out of the room. She shook her head and found a discarded pair of her pajama pants that she’d draped over a chair several days ago. Pulling them on, she opened the connecting door to the library.
    She almost tripped over herself when she saw the room. The bookshelves had been neatly organized and put on rolling tracks, then pushed to one side of the room. Cassie reached out and moved one, marveling at the ingenuity of the new setup, leaving half the room free to allow movement and comfort. The blackout curtains had also been pulled back from the windows, flooding the whole room with near-blinding sunlight.
    “You weren’t kidding about the cleaning,” she wondered aloud. “This doesn’t even resemble the library anymore.”
    Heading over to the table, she was doubly surprised to find it empty of all but a few scrolls, a stack of notepaper, a mason jar of felt-tipped pens, and a stack of books. Giddy, Cassie reached out and snatched the first book from the stack and opened it. Grabbing a pen, Cassie settled into a chair as she flipped the pages, quickly becoming absorbed in the historic journal Gabriel had left for her.
    An hour slipped by before Cassie looked up again. She had a pen in one hand and a scroll spread beneath the other. She also had a list scrawled on a piece of scratch

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