Health At Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight

Health At Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight by Linda Bacon Page B

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Authors: Linda Bacon
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whole grains is to look in the nutritional facts information and check whether it contains fiber. A significant amount indicates that it most likely contains a good amount of whole grain.
    Some grains may not use the word “whole.” Brown rice, for example, is the whole form of white rice, its refined and less nutritious counterpart. “Old-fashioned oats” are the whole form, while “quick” oats are the refined form. Popcorn is another example of a popular whole grain that doesn’t use the word “whole.” Some less common whole grains that may not use the word “whole” include amaranth, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, spelt, sorghum, and triticale.
    Bulgur, barley, and couscous are grains that come in both forms, although whether or not they are whole is not always indicated. Pearled barley is refined (not a whole grain).
    Another study, this one from Harvard that followed 75,000 women for ten years, found the more fruits and vegetables the women ate, the less likely they were to gain weight over time. 148 And researchers at the National Cancer Institute who followed nearly 80,000 people for ten years found those who ate the most vegetables had the lowest amount of abdominal fat (the type of fat that is more readily implicated in causing harm 149 ).
    The same thing shows up in research on whole grains: Ten of the eleven studies on this topic reported that the more whole grains an individual consumed, the lower his or her weight. 139 Let me repeat a point made earlier: I am not reporting this research to suggest that a high-fiber diet will result in weight loss—that has not been proven. What I am suggesting is that a high-fiber diet helps you feel satiated on fewer calories. When a food is stripped of fiber, it loses some of its ability to say “enough.” Without this brake in place, you may feel driven to eat more calories than your body needs.
    Whole grains haven’t had their bran and germ removed through processing, making them better sources of fiber and other nutrients. Refined grains, on the other hand, such as white rice or white flour, have both the bran and germ removed from the grain. Although vitamins and minerals are added back into refined grains after the milling process, they still don’t have as many nutrients as whole grains do, they don’t provide as much fiber, and they speed through your digestive tract, raising your blood sugar quickly.
    Rice, bread, tortillas, cereal, flour, and pasta are all grains or grain products. It’s to your advantage to switch to whole-grain versions, rather than consuming the more accessible refined grains.
    Don’t like the taste of whole grains? Future chapters will help you change your tastes. I want you to eat that apple because it’s what you’re craving—not because you think you should .
    Understanding the different effects refined carbohydrates and whole grains have on your body gives you valuable information to use as you move toward becoming an intuitive eater. Remember that no one food will make or break anything, and the goal is not to deprive yourself of foods you love. If you only like white rice with Chinese meals, enjoy it! Look for other places to include fiber-rich foods. And while it might sound like an oxymoron, the moral is that by adding foods to your diet—fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and other fiber-rich foods—you are more likely to keep your weight regulation system functioning at its optimal level. 150
    How do you know if you are getting sufficient fiber? There are two easy body clues to be attentive to. The first is having comfortable bowel movements; fiber has the amazing ability to make your stool the right consistency and can help prevent diarrhea as well as constipation. The second clue is having consistent energy and moods throughout the day, as a result of fiber’s role in stabilizing your blood sugar. If you often find yourself on edge and moody, it may just be the

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