Healed (The Found Book 3)

Healed (The Found Book 3) by Caitlyn O'Leary Page B

Book: Healed (The Found Book 3) by Caitlyn O'Leary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caitlyn O'Leary
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in her mind and hear familiar voices.

Chapter Seven
    Nate looked around his hotel suite near the Atlanta airport. Kota, Sierra, Cyrus, Kyle and Brayson were all looking at him, waiting for his update. It reminded him of another time when some of them were in a hotel room in Atlanta intent on rescuing Sarah.
    “You know the the man I interrogated didn’t have any real information. He was hired help whose only job was to help get Sarah on the helicopter. He didn’t know where she was going to be taken.”
    “Yeah, you gave us that information three days ago,” Kyle snarled.
    “Shut the fuck up, you still don’t get to talk. You’re lucky to even be here.” Cyrus looked ready to kill his youngest brother. Deadly silence filled the room.
    When Amy told Nate Kyle revealed confidential information about Sarah to Chris Jeffries he’d been ready to murder the little shit. But it had been nothing compared to the rage Cyrus expressed. The only thing that saved Kyle when Cyrus had made it to Atlanta was Lila Johnson. She stepped in when Cyrus had gone after Kyle.
    Nate watched the whole thing, but he’d seen something that hurt Kyle even worse than his brother’s anger—his mother’s disappointment.
    “Sierra, tell them what you discovered,” Nate asked quietly.
    “We already know it was Jeffries who contacted Rixitron. Hell, he made twenty calls to the company two days before the kidnapping.” Everyone nodded. “I finally hacked into their headquarters’ security cameras and discovered out who he met. It was a guy named Lee Stovers. He’s a junior VP in Pharmaceuticals. He’s relatively new only been there two years. He wasn’t on our radar.”
    “Where is he? Where’s Jeffries?” Cyrus’s questions were rapid fire.
    “Stovers is up in Vancouver meeting with a group of executives in the nanotech division of Rixitron,” Sierra said.
    “Fuck, I was supposed to be on that detail.”
    “Brice is there,” Nate reassured Cyrus, referring to another team mate who was on leave from the SAS and was found as well.
    “That’s good,” Cyrus said giving a grim smile.
    “What about Chris?” Kyle asked quietly. Nate and Cyrus both glared at him. Finally Sierra answered.
    “We think he’s dead. We saw him go down in the elevators with two men when he left Stover’s office. He got into a Town Car with them and hasn’t been spotted since.”
    “Good. I hope the bastard suffered,” Brayson said.
    “So Stovers is our best bet in finding Sarah. We leave for Vancouver in three hours.”
    “Great, I’ll go pack and meet you at the airport,” Brayson said, as he stood up.
    “Not you or Kyle. I’ve never worked with you on an assignment. This is too important to have newbies working with us,” Nate kept his voice even.
    “But…” Brayson started.
    “He’s right,” Kyle interrupted his brother. “They need the best team possible. They’ve worked together for almost a year some of them longer. We’d be a liability. We need to do what’s best for Sarah.”
    Brayson turned to his older brother, who nodded. “Okay Cyrus, but please, you’ve got to find her.”
    “We will Bray. , I promise you, we’ll find her,” Cyrus said in the confident tone of a big brother.
    “Brayson, I know this seems like a lifetime but it’s only been five days.” The lie almost choked Nate, it really seemed like an eternity, but he needed to calm the troops, it was his job as the leader.
    Nate continued. “We have to remember they wanted her alive and unharmed. These are very good signs. Let us track Stovers and then we can get to Sarah, I’m sure of it.” Nate was satisfied when the young man sat down beside his brother, Kyle. “Okay, I’ve arranged for someone to meet us when we get off the plane. They’ll have everything we need for the operation. Sierra, if you can get us some sort of cover at the hotel where the executives are still booked, that’d be great.”
    “Kota, it looks like you and I are

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