Haven 1: How to Save a Life
on the floor. Then a smile spread across his lips. “Maybe.”
    Time for more truths. Walter said, “Couldn’t seem to stop myself. Apparently I find you irresistible.”
    A look similar to the ones Kevin had flashed him via the mirror in the bathroom had Walter wanting another kiss, another minute of his hands on Kevin’s body.
    Spending time investigating anything with him was such a bad idea.
    Walter couldn’t decide if he was pissed or relieved they’d already made the deal.

Chapter Ten
    Kevin pulled out his phone but couldn’t focus on his e-mails or anything else. He paced the living room of Seth’s apartment as he waited for Walter to finish whatever he’d gone into the kitchen for.
    Never in his life had Kevin done anything like what he and Walter had done in that bathroom. Never had he felt so out of control with his clothes still on. Never had anyone touched him like that. With such purpose and confidence, bringing him to the edge and holding him there until he’d give anything to let go, then showing him the most amazing release down the other side of the climb.
    Never had a man had him so infuriated and flustered and…
    Hell, he couldn’t find the right words. Couldn’t understand what it was about Walter—a guy he’d just met a few hours ago—that made him unlike any person Kevin had let himself get close to before.
    There was a lot Walter held back. Did he keep everyone at bay? Like he’d done in the bathroom with his release?
    And just like that, Kevin wanted to know why. Wanted to be the person Walter connected with, the person he opened up to.
    He seriously needed to get his ass the hell home. Walter was a member of the Haven. He probably did what they’d done in the bathroom—and a hell of a lot more—with men all the time. He didn’t need Kevin following him around like Charlie had done in the apartment, tongue hanging out, begging for one more morsel of attention.
    Although, hadn’t Walter said it had been a while for him too? There was so much Kevin wanted to know, so many questions he wanted to ask.
    No, he was here to do a job. They’d made a deal, and he had every intention of utilizing that until he had the truth. He wouldn’t let his lust, or anyone else’s, get in the way.
    He surveyed the living room again. He paused at the god-awful pillows on the couch. He’d had no clue there were that many shades of pink. The apartment wasn’t much, but Seth had tried to make it a home.
    How had he afforded the membership fees at the Haven? Had he gotten some sort of discount to get inside? Maybe his limited funds and no sign of family were exactly why Seth was missing. Maybe he’d been granted special access to the club for a very specific, dangerous purpose.
    “Hey. You in there?”
    With the sound of that deep voice, Kevin spun around, his hip smacking the side of the end table beside the couch. The lamp on top skidded until it teetered on the edge. He grabbed for it before it fell.
    Walter approached, that irritating smirk on his lips. He had a leash in one hand, a bright pink dog toy in his other, and Charlie at his side. He said, “I can’t quite figure you out. From your track record, you’re obviously smart, but at the same time you seem like you might be the world’s worst undercover reporter.”
    “Well, that makes two of us. ’Cause I can’t figure you out. You’re either the nicest guy I’ve ever met or a complete asshole.”
    The smile grew. “Touché.”
    “You just…make me nervous.”
    Walter moved in closer, shifting the dog toy to the same hand as the leash. “Why’s that?”
    “I don’t know.”
    “I think you do.”
    The phone in Kevin’s pocket went off, vibrating against his hip. He jumped, and the lamp shifted again. He pushed it to safety.
    Walter came in even closer and pressed his upper thigh to Kevin’s front pocket. The phone vibrated between them. With the pressure of that thigh, the vibrations spread throughout Kevin’s lower

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