Haunted Ever After

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Book: Haunted Ever After by Juliet Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliet Madison
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microphone had called my dance. ‘Wonder if they can tell you’re about to get hitched!’
    ‘Hmm, and I wonder if they can tell you have a baby on the way.’ I glanced at her rounded t-shirt poking beneath her long purple cardigan.
    ‘Haha. But if they can predict what I’m having, then I’ll be impressed.’
    ‘What are you having by the way?’
    ‘Ah, nice try, hun. You know I’m not telling anyone.’ She winked.
    Lorena paid the other woman and I held out my hand.
    The woman grasped it gently and gave it a rub. ‘Okay, let’s have a look, sweetheart.’ She pushed her glasses higher on her nose and studied my palm. While I waited for her to analyse it, or make stuff up, Red stood beside me staring at my face with an intense look of concentration. I wanted to ask her if she was giving me a face reading or something, but kept my mouth shut. Instead, I eyed her with a curious ‘what are you doing?’ expression, and she stopped her staring and said, ‘Drats. Oh well, I’ll try again later.’
    Try what? I narrowed my eyes, but she ignored my silent request and tried to fiddle with the crystal wind chimes hanging from the stall. They tinkled slightly and she smiled.
    ‘You have a good, strong lifeline, sweetheart,’ said the woman, running her finger along a line that curved down the middle of my palm. ‘Some challenges early in life, but as an adult you have stability and security, and a fairly straightforward direction.’
    With a ghost hanging around me I wasn’t exactly feeling stable and secure right now, but I didn’t want to interrupt and tell the poor woman, who was simply trying to make a living.
    ‘You tend to rule with your head more than your heart,’ she said, running her finger down another line. ‘You need to learn to be more open-minded.’
    ‘I guess that’s why I’m having a palm reading,’ I said with a small smile.
    She took her focus off my hand for a moment and looked in my eyes. ‘We all have to start somewhere,’ she said, then returned her attention to my hand. ‘There is some conflict between your practical nature and your emotions, and you would benefit from trusting your intuition.’
    I nodded, and Red nodded too.
    ‘Interesting, you are both fearful of many things, a bit of a worrier, yet calm under pressure. As long as you follow the rules you feel you can cope with life.’
    Hmm, it did sound a bit like me. But I bet anyone could recognise themselves in her description. Maybe she was doing that acupressure thing like Ty had done on my foot, softening me up or something.
    She tilted my hand a little. ‘I see three main romantic relationships in your life. Three loves.’ She smiled. ‘You’re engaged, yes?’
    Wow. Lorena was right, maybe she did have some sort of higher power or intuition.
    I nodded.
    ‘Nice ring,’ she said.
    Oh. In my effort to hide my self-explanatory t-shirt and bride-to-be tiara I’d forgotten to remove my engagement ring!
    Not so psychic after all, Kaftan Woman.
    ‘So I take it you were third time lucky?’ she asked.
    ‘I’m sorry?’
    ‘In love. Third time lucky, with your fiancé.’
    Three loves in my life. Greg, of course, and there were a couple of guys before him but it wasn’t exactly love, and then before that there was Mark, definitely love, but after three years his love for travel overpowered his love for me and our relationship took a nosedive. And before Mark, well, there was Stephen, but that was more lust, and Evan, well, that was barely more than a high school crush that never manifested into anything more than getting to school early so I could watch him get off the bus when it arrived.
    So… Greg, and Mark. That was it. Two loves, not three. This woman had it wrong.
    ‘Actually, my fiancé is my second real love, and so much more than my first. We’re very happy.’ I plumped my lips into a content smile.
    She smiled awkwardly, and checked the markings. ‘Definitely three here. It is slightly possible the

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