Hara's Legacy
words excited her. “You have a beautiful body, Jane, and I never knew what a dirty girl you really were under that innocent exterior. Caleb’s been a lucky man.” She felt what he felt as he teased her, his aim only to push her to her limits and see how far she might go with him. Little did he know she was prepared to go wherever he led. But she’d make a believer out of him eventually and she relished the thought of convincing him.
    “Tell me what you like, Jane,” Justin watched her soft skin shiver as he rasped his hands over her delicate ribs. He sat at the side of the bed, caressing her with his hands, his eyes, while she looked up at him, almost dazed with resurging pleasure. And just from the touch of his hands! Damn, but she was responsive to him. It amazed and humbled him.
    “Anything you want, Justin.” She swallowed visibly as he continued to tease her skin, his fingers roaming the undersides of her sensitive breasts.
    “Anything, Jane? Really?” He quickly tweaked a nipple and she gasped in shock. He looked carefully for any trace of fear in her eyes, but there was none, amazing him yet again. But he wouldn’t push her.
    This was Jane, after all. She was delicate and sheltered. She’d only ever had one man before tonight. He knew damn well that she’d come to Caleb a virgin.
    She nodded up at him. “Anything,” she repeated, breathless now as his fingers played with her nipples, pulling at them, squeezing them, then caressing them after a hard tug.
    He was so tempted, but this was Jane. She was to be protected at all costs?even, perhaps especially?from him and his own selfish desires. He didn’t want to hurt her or scare her. He wanted to cherish her and let her know how special she was to him.
    “I don’t think you’re ready for some of the things I want to do with you, sweetheart.” He bent down to lick one of her straining nipples, sucking the peak into his mouth. She popped free a moment later and he
    blew air across the wet tip, making her shiver in delight. “Let’s stick with the things you know for now, just until we get used to each other a bit, okay?”
    Slowly, she nodded. Her eyes were half-closed in her pleasure, but he could read excitement there. He didn’t really know how far Caleb had gone with her. Aside from a penchant for being sucked, Justin didn’t know all the particulars of what his older brother liked or expected from a woman. But that all had to change now, if they were to survive this unorthodox arrangement.
    “Do you like it doggy-style?” he asked in between licks of her other peak. She started at the blunt question and he smiled as he applied his teeth ever-so-lightly to her nipple, adding to the pleasure she was feeling.
    She moaned her agreement. “Caleb doesn’t do that too often,” she said on a gasp. “But I like it.” Justin sat back then, watching as she strained to follow him, arching her back, eager for his touch.
    “All right then,” he said with relish as his eyes sparkled over her. “Get on your knees and spread your legs wide, sweetheart. I want to cover you.”
    She laughed then, knowing the ranch term. “Like a stallion covers a mare?” He nodded slowly, holding her eyes. “I might even bite your neck, if you get frisky.”
    “Is that a promise?” she asked flirtatiously, reassuring him and driving him wild at the same time.
    He was amazed to learn that shy little Jane was a wildcat in bed. He felt the same protectiveness toward her he always had, but it was spiked now with a sharp stab of lust. He’d always wanted to protect her from his darker desires. Hell, he still did. She was just not ready for some of the things his twisted mind could come up with, but damn if she wasn’t hot for him, eager to please. And please her he would, stretching her boundaries, but never dragging her sweet innocence into the dark desires that burned in his soul.
    The time for those games was over, lost with the rest of humanity,

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