Happy Endings
that time the doctor got called away or went
to the bathroom or something. So I just started bullshitting with
her, and she asked me if I did house calls.”
    “Last time I checked you didn’t to house
calls because it’s too much hassle.”
    “It’s not a hassle. It’s a gigantic pain in
the ass. But when a woman like that asks you for anything you give
it to her. So I gave her my card. For the whole next week my heart
skipped a beat every time my phone rang. I had just about given up
on ever hearing from her when I got the call at like eleven at
    Kevin interrupted, “Now, you said she never
verbally propositioned you, but did she say anything over the phone
that could be construed that way? You know the government records
everything. That phone call could be used against you in
    Cade raised an eyebrow and waved a hand
dismissively. “You need to stop listening to those conspiracy
shows. And no, she didn’t mention anything about happy endings. She
was being really flirty though, which I did think was odd,
    “Because she’s way out of your league,” Kevin
said jokingly.
    “Whoa, hold on. She might be out of my league
financially, but let’s be fair. I’ve had straight men tell me I’m
attractive. And massage therapists have an undeniable sexual
mystique. Women pay me to let me rub my hands all over their naked
body. They let their guard down, give me power over them and allow
me to pleasure them in ways the man in their life can’t. Sure, when
girls come into my office we all act professional and pretends
nothing erotic is happening, but deep down inside everyone
fantasize about it. Don’t get me wrong. Massages have serious
legitimate health benefits, but that’s just icing on the cake.”
    Kevin faked a yawn and said, “Now you’re just
stroking your dick and not getting to the point.”
    “It’s not about me. It’s just human nature.
The point is, it’s not so unbelievable that this girl would flirt
with me.”
    “If you say so. Now get to the part of the
story where you break the law.”
    “So I showed up at her house a couple of days
later, and the place looked like the frickin White House. We’re
talking serious old money. It was pretty intimidating. When I rang
the doorbell she opened it wearing a cashmere robe that probably
cost as much as my massage table, which I didn’t have to bring
because she already had one. She had a whole massage room in her
house. Who does that? It was like she had completely run out of
things to spend money on. So she decked out a room in her mansion
for massages.”
    “Did you ever think that if she has a room in
her house dedicated to massages, and she fucked you then you might
have been the hundredth massage therapist she did that with?
    Without hesitating Cade said, “I’m pretty
sure it was the first time she’s done this.”
    “What makes you say that?”
    “She said she’d just had the room furnished,
and we didn’t have sex the first time I went over there. I’ve been
seeing her every two weeks for the past couple months.”
    “Two months? I’m surprised you never told
    “I would have if you ever called.”
    “ Ouch.” After a contemplative pause
Kevin said, “You got a point. I think I owe you a beer.”
    Kevin got up and went to the bar. A few
minutes later he returned to the table with a pitcher and filled
Cade’s glass before sitting down. After settling back into his seat
he raised his own half empty glass and toasted, “To sticking
    “To brothers,” Cade said. After taking a long
pull from the glass he continued, “As I was saying, nothing
happened at our first session. Well, that’s not completely true.
See, I’m actually always paranoid about clients thinking I’m
getting frisky and being inappropriate. So I never work their butt
unless they specifically ask. As much as I wanted to spend the
whole hour and half worshipping her ass I was in full-on
professional mode and

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