Hanzai Japan: Fantastical, Futuristic Stories of Crime From and About Japan

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Book: Hanzai Japan: Fantastical, Futuristic Stories of Crime From and About Japan by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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passed down and shared across hundreds of years. Whatever comprises the vessels of our thoughts—our consciousness —is dragged along this span of centuries. Consequently, ours is a more prolonged existence than that of mankind. To put it another way, a month is as slow to a map as a year is to a human. Perhaps this is true for maps alone; if cell phones and credit cards possess consciousness, surely they experience time far more rapidly. But now, I have been granted a perception of time much the same as humans. This is my aforementioned change.
    What was one X mark became two, and two became three. Each mark came as if a ray of morning sunlight illuminating a dark room, making my consciousness more pronounced, and wielded with more rapidity. These changes affected my work. Before, as much as I did to conceal and emphasize, highlighting the ideal route, my master would apprehend it barely three times in ten. After my change, I found myself succeeding more often than not, and by the end, I was able to achieve a rate of 80 percent. Please don’t misunderstand my motives for stating this; I’m not trying to boast. I only wish for you to understand the true connection I came to share with my master. If I may be so bold, I would call it a bond.
    By the end, my master had marked me eight times.
    He approached this extracurricular activity with such a passion that I called it nothing short of our mission. My master took on his mission in earnest, and his ardor showed no sign of abating. Meanwhile, a change came to the form of duties. Previously, the majority of my efforts were aimed at avoiding the loss in profits that seep in through the differences between perceived and actual geography. But now the planning of my master’s mission become of even higher import. One major issue was the burial sites. My master endeavored not to leave them near any one central location, but his idea of random was not so random. Though he tried his best each time, on a macro scale, those ever-present precepts of deviation and closest proximity were at work, and a kind of pattern could be discerned in his methods. That’s why, after the third woman, I decided to offer my guidance in locating the burial sites. Before, even if I were to come up with such a reckoning, my master would never have utilized it; but this was another skill brought out by my change. Now, the Predecessor grasped my plans and chose to follow nearly every suggestion. This was quite the feat, if I do say so myself—of course, it should go without saying that my master still proudly believed he had discovered the locations through his own inspiration.
    My methods were as follows. My master preferred hunting grounds within zones of nightlife activity—and in particular, the back streets where females rarely ventured. I widened his potential hunting grounds to include other zones, such as shopping areas, and even edges like the harbor and ways like highway onramps. Furthermore, my master had a tendency to form an isosceles triangle between his residence, the burial sites , and his hunting grounds, but these missteps I corrected. The Predecessor was only able to acquire as many targets as he did because their bodies remained undiscovered; the women were only reported as having gone missing. The Predecessor was exceptionally capable of leaving no traces. Just in case, I randomized his travel distances after each crime to confuse any computing machine that might attempt numerical tracking, and I strove to locate the burial sites outside the radius of his residence and other areas he frequented. Furthermore, in order to keep the hunting grounds, his residence, and the burial sites from creating a shifting triangle, I modified direction and distance in order to avoid being enslaved by the distance decay effect.

    Despite my relationship with the Predecessor having come into full blossom, the end came suddenly one sunny afternoon. He was driving away from a train station where he had

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