Hammer & Nails

Hammer & Nails by Andria Large Page A

Book: Hammer & Nails by Andria Large Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andria Large
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    “So, who wants to go meet some players?” Nolan asks, clapping his hands together.
    We all turn to stare at him.
    “Are you serious?” I breathe.
    He smiles. “Yeah, I’m serious.”
    I grip him by the front of his polo shirt and shake him. “Don’t fuck with me, Nolan!”
    He laughs. “I swear. We can go meet the players.”
    “Roman Borovsky?” I squeal.
    Roman is the team’s captain and I’ve had a crush on the guy since he started on the team seven years ago. I never in a million years thought that I would ever meet him in person!
    “Yes. You can probably have him sign your jersey, too,” Nolan says.
    “Dude, do you have any idea what you’ve just done?” Nate groans.
    Nolan laughs. “No, what?”
    “Borovsky is her number one guy. We’re never going to hear the end of this.” Jason sighs.
    “Yeah, we already have to hear about every aspect of the guy’s life from her stalking him on Facebook and Twitter. Now this will just make it worse,” Shane adds.
    “Fuck you,” I hiss at them.
    My dad chuckles and shakes his head.
    Nolan rolls his eyes. “Come on. Let’s go.”
    Nolan holds his hand out to me and I immediately take it. He leads us down into the belly of the Gardens, giving us a little tour on the way to the locker rooms, but I don’t hear a word he says. The only thing I can think of is what I’m going to say to Roman so I don’t look like a dumbass.
    We stop outside a pair of double doors. Above the door there is a sign saying Boston Bruisers Locker Room. Oh my god! I think I’m gonna be sick. No! There will be no throwing up, Harley! Oh my God, I have to take a selfie with the locker room doors in the background. I quickly pull out my phone and snap a pic.
    “Hang here a sec,” Nolan says and disappears through the doors.
    I turn to my brothers and dad. “Holy shit! Do I look okay?” I ask, frantically smoothing down my hair.
    “You look fine, sweetheart,” my dad assures me.
    “You need to relax, Har,” Nate says. 
    “Relax?” I squawk. “I’ll show you relaxed.”
    I take a swing at Nate but he ducks out of the way, laughing.
    “Alright, alright, that’s enough,” my dad grunts, grabbing me by the back of my jersey and pulling me away from Nate.
    The doors open and I freeze. Nolan steps out followed by a half-naked Roman Borovsky. The guy is huge, like 6’5”, 240 pounds of muscle. His dark hair is wet and tousled; pieces of it are hanging down into his dark brown eyes. His jaw’s square and scruffy. He has a spattering of small scars on his ruggedly handsome face from being hit with pucks and skates and sticks and being slammed into the boards over the years. His bare upper body is what one would expect of an athlete - cut and toned, but not too bulky because he still needs to be able to move quickly. He has a towel slung over his shoulder, making me realize that he probably just got out of the shower. Drool.
    “Roman, these are some friends of mine…” Nolan says, introducing Roman to my dad and brothers first. “…And this is Harley.”
    Roman’s eyes land on me and he smiles the lopsided grin that he always wears in pictures. I’m struck speechless as he holds out his hand. I slip my smaller hand into his bear paw and stare up at him.
    “Hi,” he says.
    I swallow hard and open my mouth to try and form words but only a high-pitched squeaking noise comes out. Oh god, I’m fucking this up.
    “She’s a huge fan of yours, Roman.” Nolan smirks and shoves his hands in his pockets.
    Roman never takes his eyes off me. “Is that so?” he asks with a slight Russian accent.
    I nod fervently as I try to collect myself.
    He chuckles. “Well, it’s always nice to meet such a huge fan,” he says.
    He finally tears his dark gaze away from me and glances around at Nolan, my dad, and my brothers. I pull in a deep breath to try to calm myself. Come on, Harley! Stop acting like an ass!
    “You guys look like a fun

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