Halfway to the Grave

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Book: Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeaniene Frost
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was the idea. I drove my bike but kept back far enough so Sergio wouldn’t know he was being followed. Bike’s about a mile from here down the road.” Bones nodded toward the nearby trees. “I ran that last part through the woods so there’d be less noise.”
    Our heads were only inches apart and his knees were pressed against mine. Uncomfortable, I tried to scoot back, but the car door left nowhere to go. “I think the car’s ruined. The rear door is in scraps.”
    Indeed it was. Sergio had mangled it beyond belief. A wrecking ball would have done similar damage.
    “Why did he go for your wrist, if you were both in the backseat? Couldn’t get to your neck?”
    “No.” Inwardly I cursed at the memory. “He got frisky in the front seat and tried to feel me up, thanks to you and the no-panties idea. I wasn’t about to let that happen, so I climbed into the back and put my arms around him from behind so he wouldn’t get suspicious. Stupid of me, I know now, but I didn’t even think of my wrists. Every other vampire had always gone for my neck.”
    “Yeah, including me, right? The car swerved off the road so fast, I thought you two were already sprawling inside. What made him pull off so erratically then?”
    “I told him to come and get me.” My voice was flippant, but the words hurt. He’d come and gotten me, all right. A question suddenly leapt to mind.
    “Is he okay back there in the trunk?”
    Bones chuckled. “You want to keep him company?”
    An evil glare accompanied my retort. “No, but is he really gone? I’d always cut off their heads to be sure.”
    “Critiquing my work? Yeah, he’s really gone. Right now we need to get out of here before some nosy driver pops alongside and asks if we need help.” Releasing my wrist, he examined the wound. The flesh was already closed together as if by invisible stitches. His hand no longer even bore a mark. “That’ll hold you. We need to move this vehicle.”
    I stood up and again looked at the mangled car. Not only was the door hanging by a mere few scraps of metal, but there was a fair amount of blood in the front area from my wrist and Sergio’s neck.
    “How I am supposed to drive in this wreck? Any cop that sees this car is going to pull me over!”
    He grinned that cocky smile of his. “Don’t fret. Have it all worked out.” From out of his jacket he pulled a cell phone.
    “It’s me, we’re finished. Looks like I’m going to need that lift after all, mate. You’ll like the ride, it’s a Benz. Needs a little body work on the door, though. We’re on Planter’s Road, just south of the club. Step on it, right?” Without saying goodbye, he hung up and turned his attention back to me.
    “Sit tight, Kitten. Our ride will be here in a minute. Don’t worry, he’s nearby. Told him I might have a use for him tonight. Course, he was probably figuring on it being a little later in the evening.” He paused, giving me a knowing look. “You left with him right quick, didn’t you? He must have been quite pleased with you.”
    “Yeah, real happy. Color me flattered. Seriously, Bones, even if you tow this car there’s still too much blood in it. And you didn’t listen to me about bringing cleaning materials. This thing could have been at least mopped up.”
    He moved closer to pull my arm out for another inspection. There was only a thin red line of healed skin now, but after satisfying himself with its condition, he still didn’t let me go. Avoiding his gaze didn’t prevent me from feeling its weight.
    “Trust me, luv. I know you don’t, but you should. You did a smashing job tonight, by the way. That stake in his back was just a thought away from his heart. It slowed him, as did the one in his neck. You would have had him even if I wasn’t here. You’re strong, Kitten. Be glad of it.”
    “Glad? That’s not quite the word I’d use. Relieved? You could say that. Relieved I’m alive and there’s one less murderer prowling around for

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