Gypsy Wolf (Strange Lake Falls Series Book 5)

Gypsy Wolf (Strange Lake Falls Series Book 5) by KD Jones Page B

Book: Gypsy Wolf (Strange Lake Falls Series Book 5) by KD Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: KD Jones
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get us lost, you got us lost when you told me to take that last turn that led us to a dead end.”
    “It showed on the map that the road would lead us to a direct and faster route through the mountains. It’s not my fault you bought a map that was five years old.”
    “I wouldn’t have had to buy a map if you hadn’t messed up my car’s GPS. Shouldn’t you be able to use your voodoo powers and magically know which way to go?”
    “I told you I accidently spilled the hot chocolate on your GPS, and I am not some Magic 8 Ball you can shake and tell your fortune with! My powers don’t work that way!”
    “One thing after another has been going wrong since we left Strange Lake Falls. It’s like you are purposely trying to destroy me, starting with little things and building up to the finale where I keel over or am driven to murder!”
    “You’re such an idiot!” She turned to poke his chest with her finger.
    “You’re an accident-prone, tongue-lashing witch!” He walked toward her until her back hit the wall. Both of them were breathing heavily.
    “You’re a bully and an asshole!”
    “You can’t read a fucking map! Damn if I’m not turned on,” Lucas growled.
    “Me too,” she whispered.
    Lucas gripped the back of her head and pulled her toward him, kissing her with all the strength of his pent-up frustrations behind it. What surprised her the most was she found herself responding back. She raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck. God, nothing had ever tasted as good as Lucas. She could kiss him like this forever.
    Then reality interrupted them as her cell phone started ringing. Lucas jerked away from her like she had stung him. Why did he have to send her such mixed signals? She reached into her jeans pocket and pulled out her phone.
    “Little Diana, it’s time for your claiming. I’ll be coming for you,” a familiar husky male voice said before hanging up.
    Dread filled Diana’s body. Memories of her nightmare early childhood came pouring back. She started to tremble. She was so lost in her horrific memories that she didn’t even feel Lucas cup her cheek with his hand.
    “Diana . . . are you okay? Who was that?”
    “My . . . my . . . m . . . m . . . mate.”
    Three hours later
    “Are we going to talk about this?” Lucas asked as he drove. Diana sat in the passenger’s seat with her cell phone to her ear. She had called Roxanne to warn her, and then the werewolf council, as soon as she got the call from Kilian. She was on hold while the council conferred.
    “You flirt with me for weeks, then all of a sudden you’re mated. I think I deserve some answers.”
    She glared at him. “I have not been flirting with you. You’re the one that’s been flirting with me!”
    “Who’s the guy?”
    She held up her hand as one of the councilman got on the phone. “Yes sir, he called me a few hours ago. The commune is still . . . No, I don’t want to be his mate! You can’t do that; I was just a kid when he tried to claim me! I won’t do it and no one on this Earth is going to make me!” She hung up on the councilman. She was shaking and tears were streaming down her cheeks.
    She didn’t notice that Lucas had pulled his car over to the side of the road. Not until he reached out and touched her arm. She jerked away from the touch.
    “Easy, I just want to help.”
    His hurt expression was too much. She got out of the car and looked around her. It was dark and the clouds kept her from seeing the moon and stars. They were in the middle of nowhere and she had no place to go. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and cringed with every step that Lucas took around the car to get to her side. She didn’t want to have this conversation with him or with anyone, but her choices were being taken from her.
    “I’ll help you, but you have to let me in, sweetheart. From the pieces of conversation I heard already, you are somehow mated to a guy that you don’t like.

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