Guardians of the Akasha

Guardians of the Akasha by Celia Stander Page A

Book: Guardians of the Akasha by Celia Stander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Stander
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them,” and, one by one, Justin pointed them out. “Marco says we have to be extra vigi—vigil—something.”
    “Vigilant,” Keira suppressed a smile, not wanting to offend the boy.
    “Yes, that’s what he said. So there are guards all around, making sure the Council people are safe. Look, there’s one of them coming now.”
    A glint of black approached the castle through the forest and Keira watched as a limousine came into view and drove over the lowered drawbridge into the courtyard.
    A statuesque woman stepped out of the car just as Victoria came walking down the steps from the front door. Her aunt kissed the woman on both cheeks and escorted her inside. Keira couldn’t hear what the women were saying but, by the way Victoria welcomed the new arrival, it seemed as if they were old friends.
    “Justin, was that Zina’s aunt?” Amber asked.
    “I think so. We’re a bit high up here to be sure.”
    Amber turned to Keira. “Zina’s aunt is very famous in Africa. She was a model, and now she’s helping poor children. Aunt Victoria always said that ‘there’s a woman with her head screwed on right.’ What does that mean, Keira? Our heads are not screwed on, are they?”
    “No,” Keira laughed. “They’re not. It means that she is a very intelligent woman, and uses her intelligence in a good way.”
    “Let’s go, there’s lots more to see!” Justin called as he turned and climbed back through the trapdoor. Keira gave a sigh of relief. Anything to be at ground level again , she thought and hurried after the children.
    They were soon walking down long hallways covered with more rugs woven in warm earthy colours. Iron brackets, attached to the grey stone walls, held torches that looked ancient enough to have been used when the castle was just built.
    “Those are really old,” Justin confirmed when he saw Keira looking at one. “It would be so cool if we could still use them, but we’ve got electricity now.” He dismissed the invention with an annoyed huff.
    Down another passage and around one more corner, they stopped in front of wide double doors. “The library,” Justin swung the doors open and waved his arm at the treasure inside. The large, sunny room was overflowing with books. They were stacked on floor-to-ceiling shelves, on tables and on chairs. Keira’s hands itched to open a few of the leather-bound volumes within reach, but the children each grabbed an arm and dragged her off to continue exploring.
    I’ll have to come here again , Keira promised herself.
    Another long hallway had her feet dragging as she admired the paintings hanging on the walls. She couldn’t help wishing she knew more about art.
    “This one is my favourite,” Amber said and stopped in front of a painting depicting three boys sitting on a beach and looking out at the sea. Three sail boats dotted the background.
    “I’ve never been to the sea,” Amber said, and peered intently at the artwork. “Is it really as big as Justin said? He said it never ends,” she turned to Keira with a puzzled frown.
    “Well, it certainly is big,” Keira answered. “But it has a beginning and an end, just like everything else.”
    “Come on you two!” Justin yelled from the end of the long hallway.
    Keira laughed and ran with Amber to join the impatient boy.
    “Let’s go to the school,” Justin said as they caught up with him.
    “Yeah!” Amber agreed.
    “Isn’t it closed right now?” Keira asked, unsure whether she wanted to see the place where she should have spent her teenage years.
    “It’s closed for initiate training, but the Draaken members use it when they’re here,” Justin explained and, once again, led the way. After a few turns and down a flight of steps, he opened a single wooden door and they stepped out into the bright sunlight.
    As they crossed the cobblestone courtyard, another black limousine pulled up. A grey-suited man stepped out, gave Keira’s little group a dismissive glance, and hurried up

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