Guardian: Protectors of Light
    Antonio bit his lip. “He
didn’t seem to mind,” he said carefully. “He offered to keep watch
himself. I didn’t force him to.”
    “ Oh, come on,
Antonio!” Thomas said. “You know how James thinks. Besides from
that, you’re three and a half a year older than he is. Wouldn’t it
be right for you, the oldest, to be the adult and admit that you
were wrong by apologizing?” Antonio shrugged.
    “ Maybe I
don’t want to be the responsible adult...
    The kid probably doesn’t
even care,” he quickly decided to add when he saw three pairs of
eyes glaring angrily at him.
    “ Whether he
cares or not, he does deserve an apology,” Thomas said. “Now go and
    Antonio let out a loud,
dramatic sigh and rolled his eyes, but did turn around and walk
into the other room to talk to James eventually.
    When Antonio walked in,
James was just finishing getting dressed; he was tying the hip bag
around his middle. “Hey, Tonio,” the redhead said. “What’s the
    Antonio seemed rather
hesitant, but did speak up eventually. “So... About last night,” he
said slowly. “I’m sorry.”
    James smiled teasingly.
“I know,” he said. “Don’t worry about it.”
    Antonio lowered his
eyebrows and crossed his arms. “Really? You know what?”
    James’s smirk changed
into a laugh. “I heard you guys talking in the other room,” he
said. “No door, remember?” Antonio snorted.
    “ Yeah. I
guess you’re right,” he said. “So... we’re good, right?”
    “ Always have
been, always will be,” James said. “Just don’t let your temper get
out of hand like that when it’s directed toward us. Use that energy
on the battlefield, okay?”
    He stuck out his hand at
Antonio, who took it. “Agreed.”
    “ Come on,
Tonio,” James said with a smile. “We’re having fish for

Tricks and
    They took their time to
enjoy breakfast, but knew it couldn’t last forever. They had to
hurry and move on. This was their third day in Lunaria, and they
could count on it that the Master had become aware of their
    That meant the hunt had
officially been opened. Although Samira and Bella trusted
Madeleine’s word that he wouldn’t be coming after them unless they
got too far into the world, but James, Thomas and Antonio didn’t
seem too sure.
    The discussion during
breakfast was mainly about discussing strategies; they had to move
quick and as unseen as possible. It was for sure that there was a
price on their heads, and they didn’t know who was on their side
and who wasn’t. Why, they didn’t even know who and what inhabited
this world. What they would be seeing. What they would be
experiencing. But at least they knew one thing; this, everything
altogether, was going to be one hell of an adventure.
    After breakfast, the
teenagers prepared to leave the cabin. The water sacs had been
filled with clean water and all five stomachs had been
    Today was the day when
everything would officially begin. Of course the trip had begun two
days earlier when they arrived, but from now on they’d be on their
own for a while. Nobody knew how long, but it would be a while
until they ran into someone who could help them with information
and backup again.
    And of course, they had
to be careful who they approached. Anyone could be under the
Master’s control without even knowing. That meant the Guardians had
to be careful who they spoke to.
    Thomas had suggested that
they’d continue to rely strongly on their map, but try to get
around on their own as well. They had to get familiar with their
environment. Knowing where to go if they had to flee would become
useful at some point.
    The forest was dense, and
the amount of clear paths and quick escape routes was slim. The
chance to trip and fall and get hurt was somewhat
    Most of the time, they
walked silently, only talking whenever necessary. The forest was
still a dangerous place, and the Shadow Creatures were

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