Guardian [New World Book 6]

Guardian [New World Book 6] by C. L. Scholey Page A

Book: Guardian [New World Book 6] by C. L. Scholey Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. L. Scholey
Tags: Erotic Romance/Science Fiction
thoughtfully. Taz had a strong character. Internally, Roam could feel Slay; either choice Roam made would affect Slay. Slay would be less susceptible to any Tonan rage; he was mated to a female. Roam was the only unmated male in their bonding circle. He would need to count on Slay and Taz to keep him grounded.
    Warrior mating was very personal. It wasn’t just the exchange of a mere bite; it was becoming one with another. To a Castian, emotions were everything and more. The two warriors stood face to face. Roam sensed Taz’s worry, his interest, and something else. It was the something else which bothered him.
    Roam knew he didn’t have to do this. He could walk away, let Cobra deal with the humans and Taz. But he knew what Jinx had been through. The pain and terror he sensed when she spoke of the night her family was taken, leaving her alone, was brutal. With a warrior mating, Roam would be able to look back on Jinx’s life, help ease her fears, see what Taz had seen. In a few moments, he would bond not only with Taz but with everyone at the cave, including the little one Macey carried.
    “What do we do?” Taz asked.
    “We bite each other to exchange blood and essence. No Castian has ever warrior mated with a Tonan. I know of a hybrid who warrior mated with his Castian brother. We may be making a huge mistake, or a great decision. Are you ready?”
    “I guess. Castians are kickass warriors but too compassionate, I won’t be shitting flowers from now on will I?”
    “As long as I’m not shitting nails.”
    Roam felt awkward as he leaned in to bite Taz on the neck. His fangs grew; he knew the tips were covered in his essence. Normally a bite from a Castian warrior or Tonan was meant to subdue, or render motionless. If Roam took a female mate, he would need to bite her to mark her, but first he would need to completely relax her, especially during must when his cock would grow huge to accommodate a part of shield it carried for his child.
    Warrior to warrior, the bite was different. Blood to blood, the exchange of emotions both warriors would fight to control. Human females couldn’t control a warrior’s thoughts; they could direct them to their needs, but not control. Two highly powerful males with hundreds of years of emotion would be a culture shock. Roam hoped they could cope with their joining.
    Roam’s fangs sunk into Taz’s throat. When he felt Taz pierce his skin he fought the need for his shield to go up. Immediately, he felt a shock to his armor. His mind was assaulted with graphic images. The urge to end the bond was almost too great to control. Back through time his thoughts spiraled, back to a new beginning where everything cold and dark, cruel and evil was welcome. Roam stumbled back.
    Howling, Roam gripped his head in his hands, his shield slammed over him. It was awful feeling the thrill in wanton destruction, satisfaction with the death of a female. Power, too much power. Power over his emotions—the ability to lie. Taz was there, beside him, his unmasked face saddened.
    “Now you know what I am and why. You gave up some of your humanity, it let in a darkness. I deal with darkness, but I have never felt so much compassion.” Taz fell onto his ass.
    Roam knew what he said was true. Taz had his shield down, the ultimate test of trust. Roam could kill him; his ways might die with him. Roam wanted to kill him; he hated Tonans, he hated how they laughed when the females died. Roam howled again, wanting to strike out.
    “I’m sorry for the way your parents died.” Taz’s words were quiet.
    “I—hate—you,” Roam stated.
    Hate was consuming him. Never in his life had Roam felt the emotions he loathed. He had done this, turned into a filthy Tonan for the sake of a handful of humans. What was he thinking? What had he done to Slay? Where was Slay? His shield searched his mind until a thought gripped him.
    Calm down.
    You are strong, I need to focus on Taz. Trust me; he’s shitting

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