Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel by Linda Wisdom Page A

Book: Guardian Angel by Linda Wisdom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Wisdom
voice was husky with passion.
    This was no time to think coherently, only to act. There was no modesty or coyness in her movements as her hands dropped to her belt buckle. A moment later her jeans and boots were discarded. Now wearing only a pair of delicate lace bikini panties, she faced him.
    "Your turn," she prompted softly.
    Jared's slow smile was seduction in itself. "I've always fantasized about stripping for a woman," he murmured, his hands dropping to the waistband of his jeans. He took his time in unsnapping and unzipping, as if knowing the anticipation was most pleasurable. It took him a moment to pull off his boots and socks, then it was back up to push the denims down his legs and step out of them, sliding them to one side with his foot. He pushed his hands inside the dark blue briefs and just as slowly pushed them down over muscular thighs and strong legs leading to the equal ly muscular calves. Alex couldn't keep her eyes from the vitally masculine figure before her. If Jared had fantasized about stripping for a woman, then her inner fantasy must have been to watch a man strip just for her. A private showing for one. And what a showing! She knew that his body was in excellent physical shape. The few times she had seen him at the swimming pool told her that. His broad chest was tanned an even bronze with the curling hairs accenting his flat nipples then arrowing down to his potent masculinity. Her body was essentially female, com plementing his definitely male contours. Not only comple menting, but reacting to his maleness. She could feel the warmth rush through her body at the arousing thoughts of his lovemaking. Her nipples peaked, not from the cool air, but from the idea of his caressing them, and she could feel the steady throb in her lower body silently calling out for him to fill her with his strength. This was no fantasy, but a reality worth holding on to for all time.
    When Jared next took Alex into his arms, an explosion erupted. This was no time for gentle caresses or for learn ing about each other. The sheer sexual tension that had built up between them for the past six months fulminated now in ecstasy. He dropped to his knees and pulled her down with him. Jared lay back, drawing Alex over his body and fitting her to every male angle. Her fingertips eagerly explored his ches t, her lips following the lust- arousing path. With eyes closed he tipped his head back, groaning when her teeth nibbled his tiny nipples until they stood at attention, mimicking hers. Unable to take any more, his hands grasped the curve of her buttocks to hold her to him as he rolled over to imprison her under him and to fill her with his driving heat.
    They were caught up in the fiery sensations until they could only be considered a part of each other. One couldn't breathe without the other; they were caught up in a glittering world neither had known existed. When Alex felt she couldn't go on, she moaned Jared's name and sunk her teeth into his shoulder. Her last coherent thought was hearing him breathe her name when his body stiffened to join hers in a torrent of desire.
    Alex was gradually aware of the air chilling her body where the pressure of Jared's wasn't wanning it . Faint tremors were still running through her because his hand was idly stroking the curve of her bare hip and thigh.
    "About all I have the energy to say is 'wow,'" Jared murmured, his eyes filled with warmth for the woman beside him.
    She pressed her lips against the tiny indentations her teeth had left in his shoulder. "Tired you out, did I?" she teased.
    "I sure didn't expect a volcano hidden deep inside th at sexy body of yours." His own lips wandered over her forehead, tasting the faint salt on the damp skin. A nag ging thought persisted in Jared's mind, wondering how many other men had tasted the white-hot passion Alex had just displayed. He couldn't deny the other women in his life, but for some selfish reason, he wanted only her passion to be given to

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