
Guardian by Cyndi Goodgame Page A

Book: Guardian by Cyndi Goodgame Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Goodgame
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form with more hidden glamour.  He was full of surprises.
    I watched Grace look him over.  A fact I’d lived with for years now since she was not really mine to be jealous over.   
    “Nice to meet you,” Grace said politely and regained my confidence as she worried about his less than honorable intentions with her friend Pam. 
    Grace turned to search for me feeling nervous and out of place.  Caylie had found a warm male body as she often did and I watched her from across the room invisible to the human eye.  Someone had to look out for her.  She was Grace’s friend.
    Grace started to panic at not seeing me and headed away.  I stopped her fast forcing myself to appear haplessly in front of humans.  Pike snarled.  Switch berated me internally.
    “Miss me?” I generated a smile to calm her.  She stared and blinked her body curved like it was directing toward the door to leave.
    Oh no!  She couldn’t leave yet.  Time was crucial.  She turned towards the back of the house where the kitchen lay slowing her steps between the crowd.  When her eyes found me, her whole body relaxed ten notches on the safe side.  But her eyes.  They brightened a shade lighter and danced with an eagerness that could only mean she was glad she found me.  She looked me over unabashedly.  Brave girl! I practically glowed now, both of our emotions running wild.  She didn’t have long before she’d have to be away from here.
    She closed her eyes trying to make herself forget about me so when she opened them, I had her face close enough to breathe her in.  She wanted to be brave, I could too with minutes left till forever or doomsday. I whispered lower this time only for her, “Miss me?”
    She shook her head at me and headed back to the fireplace where David watched and waited. Grace willed me to follow her and so I did.  I briefly wondered if she had coerced me magically to come to her, but I would’ve have gone either way so what did it matter.
    I stood so close to her I felt her warm body radiating heat from the largely crowded room.  The air stirred, but there were too many bodies in one house.  I jumped away when my leg hit the iron fireplace screen helped out by my good friend David the winter court crony of Kinsler, i.e. college guy date to Pam.  He was so kind to his enemies. 
    Grace fell towards me so I caught her ignoring the burn from the iron that singed the hair and skin of my leg.  It was worth it to keep Grace from any worse dangers.  
    “Are you okay?  Let me see your leg?”  She moved to sit down on the chair arm by us and saw that it was full of rather inebriated girls who wouldn’t budge.  She gritted her teeth, “Fine!  Crowded!  Let’s move around to the sofa.”  I gave up and pulled her to leave the room. 
    “See you later, Pam.  Nice to meet you David,” she told them both. 
    When Grace sloped against me landing on my feet, flew forward, and splayed her hands against my chest, I nearly kissed her then pain and all. Her soft skin touched me in several places rubbing against me with urgency.  She wanted it too. 
    “Sorry!” she said moving away taking her velvety touch with her. I wanted to say something, but afraid of saying too much rang my heart with fear.  The truth, I told myself, would damage us both too soon. When she finally dropped her eyes I felt like a failure.  Letting her down was the worst thing in the world and I seemed, well, skilled in it.  Still, she didn’t complain and that gave me hope. 
    “Is your foot okay?” she sputtered out.  I smiled and nodded a yes as I reached my head back to find Pike eavesdropping.  Of course.
    I heard her friends in the kitchen with the distant hearing.  The rest of the house was getting plastered.  Costumes were abundantly falling away from bodies.  Half the kids in the house had other agendas and were already in the act of carrying them out.  I needed to get Grace out of here.   I was ignored by Caylie when I

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