Grizzly - Bundle Parts 1-3

Grizzly - Bundle Parts 1-3 by Emerald Wright Page B

Book: Grizzly - Bundle Parts 1-3 by Emerald Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emerald Wright
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too loudly, as a few Starbucks patrons glanced up from their laptops and eReaders to send a chastising look for the interruption and semi-provocative comment.
    It’s not a library! I wanted to say…
    “Not what I mean, Cass. I’m talking psychologically. Not literally. Although I’d prefer to discuss the literal…”
    “Shhhh!” I said, blushing furiously.
    Abe chuckled and before I knew it, we were both in fits of laughter. At this rate, I was worried that one of the baristas was going to ask us to leave.
    Once we gained our composure, I felt that tenderness welling up in my heart about him. How I was falling in love with him… Which made me wonder, how could I be falling in love with Abe and still have attraction and feelings for another man?
    What was wrong with me?!
    Suddenly, the look on Abe’s face changed. It softened and there was a depth of comprehension to it that was profound.
    “It’s because you’re an Alpha, Cass. You’re an Alpha female.” He said softly.
    I was stunned, shocked and horrified. But I was going to play it cool. Had he just read my mind?! And what did he mean, I’m an Alpha female?
    “What are you talking about?” I asked. “And how did you do that?”
    “Do what?” Abe said matter-of-factly, as if reading my mind was no big deal.
    “Okay, wait a minute. You just said I’m an Alpha female, as if you’d read my mind,” I said, leaning in towards him. “Don’t deny it.”
    Abe leaned forward, gave me a sweet little kiss on the lips and gently head-butted me. “Because I did and yes, that is the reason why. You’re an Alpha female. Do you know what that is or what it even means?”
    At that point, I went stupid. Abe could read my mind. He could hear my thoughts. He knew everything! I felt like passing out and jumping out of my seat all at the same time.
    “An Alpha? What are you talking about? I thought we were talking about threesomes…”
    He leaned back in his chair, shaking his head back and forth in amusement. “We are… but to get to that, I need to explain the Alpha piece.”
    “And the mind-reading part?”
    “That too… It’s all tied together. Only a primary mate could read your mind, your thoughts. Until today, I didn’t have access…”
    Primary mate?! Boy, this shifter stuff was getting very interesting…
    My world was going wobbly and suddenly everything was too much. Things started to spin a bit and the next thing I knew, it was all going dark. I was blacking out…
    * * *
    When I came to, Abe and a barista were crouched around me. I’d never slipped through a black tunnel before and was completely disoriented. I heard them talking to me, but not much registered. Just the sound of concerned mumbling.
    At some point, I was able to sit up and then once I was sitting, I started to feel better. My world was spinning a little, but slowly I felt better. All the while, Abe kept a watchful eye over me.
    “What happened?” I asked Abe, when I felt I could coherently talk.
    “You passed out.”
    “Oh wow… I did?”
    “Yes, you did. Have you ever passed out before?” He asked, concern etched on his handsome face. The face I was falling in love with.
    I shook my head slowly, “No, never.” I murmured.
    “Let’s just focus on getting you home. We’ll talk about everything later. It’s a lot to take in. I should have been wiser and timed this convo better and in a better place. My bad.”
    “Okay…” I said, a bit weakly.
    He went about gathering up our belongings. Once he had everything in place, he offered up his arm to help me steadily exit the coffee shop. I got the sense that if he could have done so, without much unwanted attention and scrutiny, he would have picked me up bodily and simply carried me home. Hoisted me over his strong shoulders. Which was a nice thought since I wasn’t in the habit of thinking any man could carry me. But perhaps I was misjudging Abe’s strength. He was a shifter after-all.
    Once we were finally

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